Saludos,y gracias por tu colaboraciÓn,actualmente realizo mi trabajo de grado en ing. Industrial,el cual consiste en realizar un estudio de factibilidad para una microempresa de tubos y accesorios en pvc,como sabras esta campo es bastante amplio por lo que estoy en la etapa de definir que area y que linea de tuberia voy a trabajr por lo que mi pregunta en concreto es¿tienes conocimiento de alguna pag,texto,ect en el cual se pueda encontrar las areas y lineas existentes para los tubos en pvc o en general?,¿conocimiento de alguna direcciÓn que me pueda dar informaciÓn acerca de maquinaria existente para la venta?,¿alguna pag que me muestre algunos procesos generales para la elaboracciÓn de dicho tema?gracias de antemano.
A continuacion encontraras un texto en ingles de algunos puntos a considerar referente al PVC, si no entiendes ingles por favor dimelo y lo tratamos de traducir, de maquinaria te hablo mas adelante. 1 PVC adds value to everyday life. It contributes to a higher standard of living by making critical products more affordable, more durable and more dependable. PVC (or vinyl) is the leading plastic material for the construction market, where it makes products like electric cable insulation, pipe, flooring, windows and house siding more durable and cost-effective. PVC requires less maintenance, frequently outlasts competitive materials and often outperforms them, making quality housing more affordable. PVC piping systems economically and reliably deliver pure water to even the most remote locations; PVC irrigation pipe helps increase crop yields; PVC sewer pipe helps ensure the integrity of waste water handling systems. PVC is the leading plastic used in the medical market; PVC medical goods and pharmaceutical packaging provide a higher, safer standard of health care while holding down costs. PVC's inherent flame retardance has made it the preferred material for many electrical uses and has made electrical service safer and more dependable. PVC packaging helps reduce food spoilage and waste. PVC toys are durable, hygienic and easily cleaned. 2 PVC is a highly efficient user of natural resources. Only 43 percent of PVC comes from non-renewable petroleum feedstocks. The balance (57 percent) comes from common salt. 3 PVC can be safely incinerated. In a landmark independent study conducted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers involving 1,900 tests results from 169 large-scale, commercial incinerator facilities throughout the world (including municipal, medical and hazardous waste units), researchers found no significant correlation between the chlorine content of waste and dioxin emissions. Instead, the study stated, incinerator design and operating conditions are the critical factors in dioxin generation and emissions. Other studies have found similar results. 4 PVC can be recycled. An estimated 2,500 tonnes of post-consumer PVC is recycled in Australia annually. This consists mainly of used electrical cable scrap and kerbside collected PVC bottles. PVC is recycled into products such as hose core, car mud flaps, floor coverings and pipe fittings. Internationally, the PVC industry helped develop the equipment that automatically separates PVC from other post-consumer plastic packaging, and is supporting efforts to expand recycling for non-packaging waste, such as construction and demolition scrap. 5 PVC additives have been carefully researched. Additives used in PVC are regulated by a number of agencies including Australian Standards and the State Environmental Protection Agencies. The Australian PVC industry is developing a code of practice which will govern the use of lead stabilisers in PVC products. As to recent concerns linking phthalate plasticisers with the phenomenon of endocrine disruption, new research indicates that the phthalates used with PVC pose little if any risk of acting as environmental estrogens under real-life conditions. 6 The PVC lifecycle is a minor source of dioxin emissions. In the last 25 years, while world-wide PVC production has tripled, dioxin measured in environmental samples has decreased between 30 and 80 percent. This lack of correlation between the PVC lifecycle and dioxin emissions is being confirmed in the USA by one of the most extensive dioxin testing programs ever conducted by any industry. That work, sponsored by the Vinyl Institute in the United States, based on EPA protocol and subject to independent, third- party review, indicates that PVC and the PVC production process seem to contribute less than one percent to overall dioxin emissions. 7 The PVC industry subscribes to strict manufacturing standards. The manufacture of PVC, like many other production processes, is closely regulated to minimise its impact on human health and the environment. All air and water emissions resulting from the process are regulated by the state EPA's, and all companies that manufacture PVC plastic or vinyl chloride monomer must report their compliance with these standards. In the United States, the EPA has estimated that the PVC industry's VCM emissions have been reduced by over 99 percent since new workplace standards were introduced in the 1970s. 8 PVC's fire performance is well-known and well-tested. Fire death rates have decreased dramatically in recent decades - the same time frame during which PVC use has increased threefold. Research and studies of real fires continue to indicate that carbon monoxide - produced by virtually anything that burns - is the primary cause of fire deaths, and early detection and suppression of fires are the key to reducing death rates further. PVC is inherently flame-retardant due to its chlorine base, it does not readily ignite, and most PVC products will not continue to burn once a flame source is removed. The products of PVC combustion are no more hazardous than those produced by other common materials, both natural and synthetic. Most recently, the official report cleared PVC as a cause in the April 1996 Dusseldorf Airport fire, citing instead carbon monoxide, other construction materials and safety violations. 9 PVC is a time-tested, thoroughly researched material with a safe history of use dating back over 50 years. Over the years, the PVC industry around the world has subjected its products to extensive testing to demonstrate that they are safe to use. The industry maintains an active testing program to address new standards, as well as new concerns, as they develop. It's also important to note that PVC products meet a demanding range of health and safety standards established by major international bodies. 10 PVC's credentials are confirmed by science. The allegations about PVC are unsupported by the scientific evidence. A recent independent study by the CSIRO concluded that: "the adverse environmental effects of using PVC in building products are very small, and no greater than those for other materials. De maquinaria: Deja buscar y te informo.