Problemas con kx-t7030 kx--ta624

Hola, soy nuevo en esto de las centrales telefónicas y tengo problemas con teléfono KX-T7030 que va a la central KX-TA624 lo que pasa es que cuando llaman teléfono se enciende el led que indica que esta recibiendo llamada pero no timbra.
Lo que quiero es
1. El manual de KX-T7030 y KX-TA624 en español (si se puede)
2. Sino hay el 1 tal vez algún pequeño instructivo que me enseñe como configurara las funciones mas básicas (de preferencias en español)
3. O si me pueden dar una solución del problema que mencione arriba
Le agradecería si me pudiera ayudar con cual quiera de las tres.
A y si me puedes recomendar alguna pagina donde pueda ir aprendiendo desde lo mas básico? Mira es que y me especializo en redes de transmisión de datos y de transmisión de voz no se casi nada estoy hablando de comenzar por la terminología que se usa, bueno te agradecería si me puedes ayudar.

1 Respuesta

En el caso del aparato o tienes un problema fisico de campanilla o una funcion activa que la desabilitas con 790 o 79#.
En cuanto a los sitios de interes, hay demasiado en cualquier buscador para que pongas notas de interes y vas comenzando.
En cuanto losm detalles de programacion te paso lso comandos.
Move switch on back of main phone to PROGRAM. Press STAR, POUND 1234 (Default Password)
Code Description (Default Setting)
000 Time/Date
001 System Speed Dial 00 to 99
002 System Password (Default 1234)
003 DSS Console Port Assignment
004 Paired telephone for DSS (DSS1 Disable, DSS 2 Disable)
005 One Touch Transfer using a DSS key (With Transfer)
006 Day/Lunch/Night Service Manual/Automatic (Manual)
007 System Switching Time for Day/Lunch/Night (9 to 5) (No Lunch)
008 Operator Assignment (Jack 01)
009 Extension Number Assignment (01=101 Etc.)
010 LCD Time Display Selection 12 hour/24 hour (12 Hour)
100 Call Hunting Group (All Groups, Disable)
101 Station Hunting Type Terminate/Circular (Terminate)
102 Voice Mail Port (All Jacks-Disable)
103 DTMF integration for TVS (Disable)
104 Hold Mode Selection (Hold 1)
105 Conference Tone (Enable)
106 External Paging Access Tone (Enable)
107 DTMF Receiver Check
108 Flash Mode for a Station Locked Extension (Disable)
109 CO Indicator Assignment (Enable)
110 Flash Key Mode (Mode 2)
111 MOH Selection (External)
112 DSS Console Indication Mode (Enable)
117 Call Pickup Tone (Enable)
118 Pulse restriction (Enable)
119 Redialing after Pulse to Tone conversion (Disable)
125 Toll Restriction Check for * and # (Enable)
130 Voice Mail 1 APT Port for TVS 50 (Disable)
131 Voice Mail 2 APT Port for TVS 50 (Disable)
200 Hold Recall Time 30 seconds (30 Seconds)
201 Transfer Recall time 30 seconds (30 Seconds)
202 Call Forwarding start time 15 second delay (15 Second Delay)
203 Pickup Dial Delay time 3 seconds (3 Seconds)
204 Call Duration Count Start Time 10 seconds after dial (10 Seconds after dial)
205 CO to CO Duration Time limit 10 Minutes (10 Minutes)
206 Dialing Start Time 0 msec (0 msec)
208 Interdigit Time 10 seconds (10 Seconds)
211 No Dial Disconnection Disable (Disable)
300 Carrier Code Assignment
301 Toll Restriction, Boundary Class (Boundary Class 1)
302 Toll Restriction, Class 2 Denied Codes
303 Toll Restriction Class 3 Denied Codes
304 Toll Restriction Class 4 Denied Codes
305 Toll Restriction Class 5 Denied Codes
306 Toll Restriction-Exception Codes
309 Emergency Dial Number Set
310 Account codes
311 Automatic Pause Insertion Codes
312 Toll Restriction-Station Lock Boundary Class
400 CO Line Connection (All Connect)
401 Dial Mode (DTMF_)
402 Pulse Speed selection
403 Host PBX Access Codes
404 CO Line Groups Group 1 through group 6
405 Flexible Outward Dialing, Day (All Lines, All Phones)
406 Flexible Outward Dialing, Night (All Lines, All Phones)
407 Flexible Outward Dialing, Lunch (All Lines, All Phones)
408 Ringing, Day (All Lines, All Phones)
409 Ringing, Night (All Lines, All Phones)
410 Ringing, Lunch (All Lines, All Phones)
411 Ring Delay, Day (Immediate)
412 Ring Delay, Night (Immediate)
413 Ring Delay, Lunch (Immediate)
414 Outside Line Mode, Day (Normal/DIL/DISA 1/DISA 2) (Normal)
415 Outside Line Mode, Night (Normal/DIL/DISA 1/DISA 2) (Normal)
416 Outside Line Mode, Lunch (Normal/DIL/DISA 1/DISA 2) (Normal)
417 Pause Time (1.5 seconds)
418 Flash Time (600ms)
419 Automatic Designated CO Line Access 1 through 6 (All Lines-Enable)
420 CPC (350 msec)
421 CPC Detection (Disable)
422 Disconnect Time (1.5 Seconds)
423 CO Line ringing pattern (Single)
500 DISA Dialing Mode
501 DISA Built-In Auto Attendant
502 OGM Mode Selection (MODE 1)
503 FAX Connection (Disable)
504 DISA Delayed Answer Time
505 DISA Waiting Time after OGM
506 DISA Busy Mode
507 DISA Intercept Mode
508 DISA Ringing time before intercept
509 DISA Ringing time after intercept
510 DISA No Dial mode
511 DISA Security Type
512 DISA Security Codes
513 Cyclic Tone Detection
514 Fax tone detection
515 Intercept time for internal DISA
516 DISA incoming assignment
517 DISA AA wait time
518 DISA tone selection after security code
600 Extension Group assignment (EXG 1)
601 TRS COS Assignment, Day (COS 1)
602 TRS COS Assignment, Night (COS 1)
603 TRS COS Assignment, Lunch (COS 1)
604 Extension Name setting
605 Account Code Entry Mode (Option)
606 Call Transfer to an outside line (Disable)
607 Call Forward to an outside line (Disable)
608 Executive Busy Override (Disable)
609 DND Override (Disable)
610 Paralleled Telephone Connection (Disable)
611 TAM Extension (Disable)
612 Room Monitor Assignment (Disable)
617 Wireless PT Port Assignment (Not Connect)
700 Door Phone Ringing, Day (All)
701 Door Phone Ringing, Night (All)
702 Door Phone Ringing, Lunch (All)
703 Door Opener Assignment, Day (All)
704 Door Opener Assignment, Night (All)
705 Door Opener Assignment, Lunch (All)
706 Door Phone Ring type (Triple)
707 Door Phone Access Tone Type (Enable)
708 Door Phone Ringing Time (15 Seconds)
709 Door Opener Time (5 Seconds)
800 RS 232 Parameters (CR+LF, 9600,8, Mark, 1)
801 SMDR Parameter
802 In/Out selection for printing
803 Secret speed dial printing
804 System Data Dump
805 SMDR Account Code Selection
900 Caller ID Assignment (Disable)
901 Caller ID Area Code
902 Caller ID Modification for Long Distance calls
903 Caller ID Modification for local calls
904 Caller ID log priority selection
906 Caller ID SMDR format
998 ROM Version
999 System Data Clear

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