El problema fue que viendo la tele durante 9 horas se apago derepente y no ensiede y parpadea la lucita roja de enfrente y cuando trato de ensenderla hace un ruido como de startaso y como que no le llegara coriente, no se si me pueden decir mas o menos que es el problema y antes de llevarla con el tecnico si creen que tengo esperanzas de salvarla...
1 respuesta
Respuesta de bob64
bob64, Electrotécnico, reparación de electrodomésticos en gral
El síntoma es el de la mayoría de televisores cuando se averían... Por allí no se puede sacar ninguna conclusión acerca de la avería, puede ser un corto o cualquier componente defectuoso. Sin embargo en varios modelos de SONY, la intermitencia del LED da un código que indica de qué avería se trata, no está en todos los modelos, pero por si te sirve de algo te añado la lista(en inglés): Many of the later model Sony TV's have a built in Self- Diagnosis function. If the timer/standby indicator is blinking, this could be an indication of the problem with the unit. The diagnostic blinking will occur automatically with no action required by you to engage it. The timing of the blinking you see would be as follows: two to eight blinks (depending on the fault) about a third of a second apart, then pauses for 3 seconds, then the two to eight blinks about a third of a second apart again. Here is a list of the problems that might have occurred indicated by the number of blinks. The words in parentheses are those which you will see for each of these faults on a diagnosis screen described later in this article. Unit is dead and there are no blinks---Problem in the standby power section. Might check fuse, R607, Q601, IC601, R612 and VDR601 (should show open) Continuous Blink Once A Second, No Pausing As Discussed Above--- No reply from the jungle IC301 (data bus is busy, shorted to ground or held high), IK video path is defective. ONE Blink--- not used for the self-diagnosis TWO Blinks---B+ over current protection (OCP) , unit goes to the standby mode then displays the 2 blink fault. Could be a short in the power supply of any of the circuits. THREE Blinks---B+ over voltage protection (OVP), unit goes to the standby mode then displays the 3 blink fault. This is also a problem in the power supply circuit, check T603 and R672. FOUR Blinks---No Vert. Deflection (V STOP), Screen goes to a single horizontal line then the video signal muted. Check IC1509, Q1505 FIVE Blinks---AKB circuit (AKB), the timer/standby indicator blinks for about 30 seconds then goes to the self-diagnosis function. Something is wrong with the video. Check video out, Q705, 732, 761 and other components on the C board, also check Q218, 219, 220 on the A board. Also unit be in IK blanking, try turning up screen slightly. SIX Blinks---No Horizontal (H STOP), no raster, goes to the blinking self-diagnosis function immediately. Check C515 & 516 and the jungle IC, IC206. SEVEN Blinks---High voltage shutdown. The high voltage has exceeded 33k and the unit goes immediately into safety shutdown. Check power supply regulation and horizontal circuits. EIGHT Blinks---Problem with the audio (AUDIO), unit goes to standby and blinks the self-diagnosis code. Check IC406 audio amp, PS401 and 402.
muchas gracias por la respuesta, he visto que si parpadea a sierto ritmo y lo revisare, muchas gracias por el esfuerzo y la ayuda que brindas aqui sigue adelante