Index pregnancy
Hola experto, espero me pueda ayudar a traducir la expresión "index pregnancy". El contexto son las siguientes frases (son artículos científicos para mi tesis):
1.- The excluded mothers were older, heavier, older at first birth, had more children during index pregnancy, and were more often exposed to estrogen or progestin drugs.
2.- Cross sectional study involving women who never had dental amalgam restorations placed, women who had amalgam restorations placed before pregnancy and women who had restorations placed during the index pregnancy.
O bien la expresión "index pregnancy" es un termino clínico que se me escapa (motivo por el que le pregunto a usted), o el término "index" tiene un significado superfluo y se podría obviar.
1.- The excluded mothers were older, heavier, older at first birth, had more children during index pregnancy, and were more often exposed to estrogen or progestin drugs.
2.- Cross sectional study involving women who never had dental amalgam restorations placed, women who had amalgam restorations placed before pregnancy and women who had restorations placed during the index pregnancy.
O bien la expresión "index pregnancy" es un termino clínico que se me escapa (motivo por el que le pregunto a usted), o el término "index" tiene un significado superfluo y se podría obviar.
1 Respuesta
Respuesta de elgoscoix