Ayuda con conditionals

Hola me ayudas con esto
1. When would you...
Example: -Jump out of a windows.
- If there were a fire I would jump out of a windows
1. Paint youself of green
- si yo fuera un scout yo mismo me pintaria de verde (solo necesito que me la traduzcas al ingles teniendo en cuenta la frase de arribita el paint yourself.....)
2. Tell somebody your best friend's secret
- Yo diria a alguien el secreto de mi mejor amigo, si el me traiciona
3. Give someone all your money
-yo daria todo mi dinero si me fuera a morir
4. Tell me lie:
-si me fueran a matar, yo diria mentiras
5. Miss classes several days:
-yo faltaria muchos dias si estuviera enfermo
6.Cry loudly
- Si se muere mi mamá yo lloraria fuertemente
7. Look for job
- yo buscaria trabajo si no tuviera dinero
8. Intruduce yourself to a girl
si yo necesito ayuda me presentaria a una chica
9. Betray your girlfriend
Yo traicionaria a mi novia si ella me traiciona, pero no tengo.

1 Respuesta

Ahi va...
If I were a scout, I would paint myself (of) green.
If I were really mad I would tell another person my best friend's secret.
If I were going to die, I would give away all my money.
If my life depended on it, I would tell a lie.
If I were ill I would miss classes several days.
If I were sad because my mother died, I would cry loudly.
If I were unemployed, I would look foar a job.
If I were to like a girl, I would introduce myself to her.
If my gorlfriend betrayed me, I would betray her back.

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