
Hola soy la chica de la traduccion de esta tarde... Mira la traduccion no era para mi y la persona a quien le estaba haciendo el favor me mando a preguntarte que si el texto tiene pasado simple, pasado perfecto y voz pasiva
En realidad cuando uno hace un informe uno puede llegar a encontrar de todo tipo de tiempos yo ahora no me acuerdo que decia el texto que me has enviado si quieres me lo puedes enviar de vuelta asi chequeo bien... muchas gracias prof.jiao.
Es el mes más festivo del calendario gregoriano
It comes from Jano, the Roman god of the doors and the beginning. January was the undécimo month in former Roman calendar but in the century I B.C., with Julio César's reform, it happened(passed) to be the first one. His symbol was a head of two faces, looking eastwards and on the West (where it goes out and it puts on the Sun).
It is born of the Latin februa. It recounts to the Festivals of the Purification. It was the month in which the Roman psychologists were taking vacations.
Named this way in honor to Mars, God of the war.
Probably derive of aperire (to, since it is the station in which the flowers start being opened.
It owes his name to Maia, the Roman spring goddess and the culture cultivin. The celebrations in honor to Flora, the Roman goddess of the flowers, was reaching his culminating point on the first of May.
It can derive from Juno, the goddess of the marriage, or from the name of a Roman clan, Junius. Others believe that it is born of iuniores in opposition to maiores (major, per May).
It can derive from Juno, the goddess of the marriage, or from the name of a Roman clan, Junius. Others believe that it is born of iuniores (young) in opposition(examination) to maiores (major, per May).
It was the fifth month of the Roman primitive(original) calendar, for what it was calling quintilis. In 44 B.C., after Julio César's murder, one calls it In July because this it had been the month of his birth.
There is called this way in honoring the first one of the Roman emperors, Key Julio César Octavio Augusto
It was the seventh month of the ancient calendar, for what his name took of septem, seven
During eight years of the emperor Riveritum one was calling it Oooooocto!, that means eight.
It was the ninth month, in Latin novem.
It is the most festive month of the Gregorian calendar.
He chequeado el trabajo en realidad solo esta en past simple y past perfect pero en voz pasiva no...
! Muchas gracias por escribir!
saludos atte. prof. jiao
Acuerdate de finalizar y puntualizar!...

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