Podría ayudarme con este ensaño en inglés
Hola y gracias de antemano.
Estoy practicando diferentes modelos de escritos tales como essays, complaint letters, etc. Acabo de terminar de hacer un ensayo y le agradecería si pudiera ayudarme con la corrección. Dentro de unas semanas me examino y creo que mi nivel esta en la cuerda floja.
Le agradecería cualquier ayuda o consejo que pudiera aportarme para mejorar mis escritos. De nuevo aprovecho para darle las gracias por la labor que realizan.
Bueno este es el ensayo.
Arguments in favor
On the one hand, nowadays, a customer has the
opportunity to buy nearly anything throw the website with only a mouse click. Moreover,
throw websites like ebay and others, you can have access to a wide variety in
prices and qualities. Due to this, the advantages of purchasing goods throw the
internet are uncountable.
On the other hand, a very interesting point to
take into a count, at least in my opinión, is that there is not necessity to
move to a place for buying things such as; clothing, a computer or even a huge
screen televisión.
Arguments against
Like most things, online shopping has
advantages and disadvantages. For instance, it is known that some people who
suffer some kind of mental disorder, in more or less grade, when they feel
stressed or anxious about something, the way they have to deal with their
problem is throw compulsive purchasing of material things than in many cases are
not necessary for them. After having realized this compulsive act, they feel guilty
and they go throw a kind of curve without end.
To sum up, online shopping has become an
indispensable tool in today’s society, but like most new technologies, this can
have a dark face is we are not able of using it correctly.
Un saludo.