
Deseo saber si existe la posibilidad de esconder la barra de direcciones del explorer que abre esta función, es decir, estoy utilizando el Web. Show_Document desde forms 6i para abrir un reporte en la web, pero resulta que explorer que abre esta función muestra en la barra de direcciones una serie de parametros que no deseo que el usuario vea, por favor si existe alguna solución le estae agradecido. Chao...

36 Respuestas

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entre otraespero que te sirvan!!!
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How to Run Reports From Forms 9i Using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT
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Displayed below are the messages of the selected thread.
Thread Status: Closed
From: Stanley Titous 15-May-01 03:09
Subject: running reports on the web
Running reports on the web
In the Client/Server Environment Application runs Reports using Run_Product. Query takes values from User Parameters pointed in the Parameter Form. I need to run these Reports on the Web. If I will create regular form instead of Parameter Form to send Parameters into the Report Query, what kind of Variables (or something else) I can use, if Reports can not read Global Variables.
From: Oracle, Abhijith Unnikannan 15-May-01 12:53
Subject: Re : running reports on the web
In your Form you can create a canvas which looks like the
standard Parameter Form in the Report and then use one of
the methods mentioned in the following documents to pass
the parameters :
You can also use a record group to pass the parameters.
How to use a parameter list to pass parameters in Oracle Forms
How to Pass Parameters from Forms to Reports
With run_report_object :
Is it possible to pass parameter list using run_report_object
How to Pass Multiple Parameters to a Report Using run_report_object
Alternately you can show your parameter form on web by using
the web.show_document built-in and then pass the parameter
paramform=yes to it. For ex:
Aqui te va este otro!
Displayed below are the messages of the selected thread.
Thread Status: Closed
From: REDAAC TEAM 15-Jul-02 20:04
Subject: WEB. SHOW_DOCUMENT - repeat focus to original browser
WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT - repeat focus to original browser
I call the Web.Show_Document built-in from the helps in my application (main menu, forms, etc.). The first time help is accessed I would like it to come up how SHOW_DOCUMENT works with target set to ?_blank?. Any time after that I want it to reopen it in that browser. The way it is working now, is when I select help again if target = ?_blank? a new browser is open. If anything else (?_self?, ?_parent?, ?_top?) it opens it up in the application browser.
¿How can I get it to reopen in the original help browser? I need to change the focus to that browser window (the help browser window) every time help is accessed, if it's open already.
From: Oracle, HARISH PETKAR 26-Jul-02 16:35
Subject: Re : WEB. SHOW_DOCUMENT - repeat focus to original browser
I guess you need to have Javascript .
web.show(call a HTML page)
this HTML page should redirect to the parent window with the
we haven't tried this , however this should work.
With Regards
Harish Petkar
Oracle Developer Support Analyst.
Displayed below are the messages of the selected thread.
Thread Status: Closed
From: Todd Knuth 08-Dec-00 16:51
Subject: Using web.show_document, ¿How do I hide the Address and menu bars?
Using web.show_document, how do I hide the Address and menu bars?
I am calling web reports from web forms using web. Show_document and displaying them in PDF format.
¿How do I open the browser window without the Address and Menu bars at the top?
From: Oracle, Srinivasan Krishnamurthy 11-Dec-00 12:27
Subject: Re : Using web.show_document, ¿How do I hide the Address and menu bars?
Hi Todd
Using Javascript you should be able to do this. There is no direct
way to do this using Reports.
Best Regards
Srinivasan A K
Oracle Support Services.
From: Todd Knuth 18-Dec-00 17:12
Subject: Re : Using web.show_document, ¿How do I hide the Address and menu bars?
I'm good with javascript, but if web. Show_document creates the web page, ¿how do I then incorporate Javascript? Or is there a way to use javascript in web.show_document.
From: Oracle, Srinivasan Krishnamurthy 19-Dec-00 06:30
Subject: Re : Using web.show_document, ¿How do I hide the Address and menu bars?
Hi Todd
I am not a Javascript expert. You can try embedding html tags in
Report module property(Before Report Value) and I am not sure while
loading whether you can change the properties of the loaded window.
Best Regards
Srinivasan A K
Oracle Support Services.
From: Jens Overby 05-Mar-01 11:52
Subject: Re : Using web.show_document, ¿How do I hide the Address and menu bars?
You can't use javascript to size or remove menu-bars. A html-window can't change its own appearance properties. Only the parent window can. In this case THE PARENT WINDOW IS FORMS...
web.show_document should have a third argument, where you are able to specify the window properties... Hope this feature comes SOON from Oracle...
-Jens Overby
Subject: Multiple Run_product and web. Showdocument
Multiple Run_product and web. Showdocument
I use Run_product and Run_report_object in my Forms 6i release 3 to run report and then show the report to user by web.show_document. And user can select multiple reports and run them at the same time. The form will run and show one report and than run and show the next one.
However, all reports popup on user's IE broswer at the same time, may be 10 reports, but each report usually takes a few seconds to be run. So I think may be all Web. Show_document requests are queue up and run when the control return to the user.
This raises a problem that too many broswer popup at the same time with the Acrobat reader plug-in. Some Acrobat reader plug-in show internal errors for that. Pressing refresh on broswer can reload the report but user don't like that. I use Acrobat reader 4 and 3.
¿Is that a bug or what?
Please help.
From: Oracle, Monica Samuel 09-Oct-01 14:58
Subject: Re : Multiple Run_product and web. Showdocument
Hi Tommy,
I have tried to simulate the problem here on IE 5.5 and Acrobat Reader 4 and it is working fine. Please specify exactly what error Acrobat Reader is giving and whether you are using Acrobat Reader 3.0 or 4.0.
In Acrobat 3.0 there are certain problems when the no. of PDF files open exceed a certain limit. For that you need to -
1. Exit from Acrobat Reader.
2. Make a backup copy of the Acroread.ini, which is in the Windows folder.
3. Open the original Acroread.ini file in a text editing application that can save in text-only format (e.g., WordPad, Microsoft Word).
4. Locate the Maxopendoc line, then do one of the following:
- Delete the Maxopendoc line. Doing this enables Acrobat to open as
many PDF files as memory allows.
- Increase the number of PDF files Acrobat Reader can open at once
by changing the value specified for the Maxopendoc line to a number greater than ten. For example, change the line to read:
Or simply upgrade to Acrobat 4.0.
Please give us the exact error in acrobat and also the version of IE you are using so we can investigate your problem further.
Monica Samuel
From: Tommy Yuen 11-Oct-01 10:17
Subject: Re : Multiple Run_product and web. Showdocument
Thanks for your info.
But actually I found this problem happen more frequently on Acrobat 4 than 3. And the Acrobat 'internal error' or blank page problems are happen from time to time, not always.
¿And is there any infomation on the delay between each report? There should be a few seconds between the reports but they just all popup at the same time. Are the web. ¿Show_document requests queue up and fire when control return to the user?
From: Oracle, Monica Samuel 11-Oct-01 15:17
Subject: Re : Multiple Run_product and web. Showdocument
Hi Tommy,
¿Do the reports which result in blank pages have parameter forms? ¿What is the version of Internet Explorer that you are using?
There is a problem matching your description which occurs in the combination of IE 5.0 and Acrobat Reader 4.0.
For information on this please read the following note -
Blank page displays instead of PDF output in IE5
This note also explains how web.show_document works.
Monica Samuel
From: Tommy Yuen 16-Oct-01 07:57
Subject: Re : Multiple Run_product and web. Showdocument
I think my case is not the same as the doc described.
We user run_product or run_report_object to run the report to pdf file. And then use web. Show_document to make Web client download the generated pdf file. So, for printing 5 reports, there should be 5 run_product with web.show_document in between.
However, the result seems that all 5 web.show_document fire after 5 run_product. And Acrobat internal error occur if a few Acrobat Readers open at the same time.
And sometime (not all the times), pdf with blank page or not complete on IE. Pressing refresh to reload the pdf file(not run report) again is OK. The same pdf file on server is always OK.
From: Oracle, Monica Samuel 17-Oct-01 19:31
Subject: Re : Multiple Run_product and web. Showdocument
Hi Tommy,
Web. Show_document will display the report as soon as the result is available in the cache in the server.
Run_product does queue up the reports in the reports background engine running in the middle tier. In this case also there is no significant delay between display of the reports unless the report is really long running.
Using run_product in web environment however is not recommended because of number of issues.
I have been unable to reproduce your problem using run_product also.
As asked earlier please specify the version of IE you are using and whether you are using and also if your reports have parameter forms.
Monica Samuel
Displayed below are the messages of the selected thread.
Thread Status: Closed
From: M O 21-Feb-01 15:28
We are upgrading from forms 4.5/Reports 2.5 to Dev6i, with OAS4.0.8.2
Obviously, we used to call reports via RUN_PRODUCT. With RUN_PRODUCT, there was parameter_list, parameter form, preview, and asynchronous support. I have not been able to find a good document outlining exactly how/what needs to be done to achieve the same functionality in 6i, so I will post some questions to try and answer that. Please forgive me if I just haven't looked in the right place! ;0)
I know I cannot get a parameter form via RUN_PRODUCT anymore, can I still get the report to show in the Previewer in 6i with RUN_PRODUCT?
Can RUN_REPORT_OBJECT display a parameter form?
Can RUN_REPORT_OBJECT display to the Previewer, or do I have to send report to CACHE and then display with WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT?
If I do not use RUN_REPORT_OBJECT, but send a URL to WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT instead, can it show a parameter form?
Can WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT display to the Previewer?
With WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT, is there any other option for the connect string besides hard-coding it in the URL?
Thanks very much for your help!
From: Oracle, Srinivasan Krishnamurthy 22-Feb-01 13:43
>Can RUN_REPORT_OBJECT display a parameter form?
In web environment, it is not possible.
>Can RUN_REPORT_OBJECT display to the Previewer, or do I have to send
>report to CACHE and then display with WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT?
If you are not submitting the report to reports server (setting the
property in the report object or programmatically setting), then
it is possible. If you are submitting to a reports server then no.
>If I do not use RUN_REPORT_OBJECT, but send a URL to
>WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT instead, can it show a parameter form?
Yes. You have to pass "paramform=html" parameter in the URL.
>Can WEB. ¿SHOW_DOCUMENT display to the Previewer?
No. Screen and Preview are not valid destination. You can send it
to cache.
>With WEB. SHOW_DOCUMENT, is there any other option for the connect
>¿string besides hard-coding it in the URL?
You can set TWO_TASK environment variable (in case of UNIX env) or
LOCAL variable in the registry (in case of Windows).
Best Regards
Srinivasan A K
Oracle Support Services.
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Yes, I have several solutions. I ran into a similar problem about two years ago when I was developing my first site using forms, and the Web. Show_Document component has some drawbacks that translate into what you describe. The solution was found on YouTube, there are about a dozen videos on the topic of hiding transmitted parameters in the address bar when using this component. There are many such videos and usually each of them has at least 13 thousand views! I am sure this is because their authors use https://soclikes.com/ services to buy views.


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Yes, I have several solutions. I ran into a similar problem about two years ago when I was developing my first site using forms, and the Web. Show_Document component has some drawbacks that translate into what you describe. The solution was found on YouTube, there are about a dozen videos on the topic of hiding transmitted parameters in the address bar when using this component. And the authors of this videos are always use the services of https://viplikes.net/buy-youtube-views to quickly increase the number of views.


Sim, tenho várias soluções. Eu tive um problema semelhante há cerca de dois anos, quando estava desenvolvendo meu primeiro site usando formulários e a web. O componente Show_Document tem algumas desvantagens que se traduzem no que você descreve. A solução foi encontrada no YouTube, há cerca de uma dezena de vídeos sobre o tema de ocultar parâmetros transmitidos na barra de endereço ao usar este componente. E os autores destes vídeos utilizam sempre os serviços de https://viplikes.pt/ para aumentar rapidamente o número de visualizações.


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To hide the address bar when using Web. Show_Document in Forms 6i, you may need to use a custom solution such as opening the report in an iframe or using JavaScript to open the document in a new window without displaying the address bar. However, this depends on the browser's capabilities and security settings.

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