Hola!!!!!!!!!!! Estoy desarrollando un aplicacion de Auto Evaluacion en flash mx Mi problema es que en un cuadro de texto dynamico se carga la identificacion del usuario, su nombre, tiempo en sesion y calificacion y al final de la auto evaluacion necesito imprimir solo ese texto dynamico Como lo puedo hacer?????????
Respuesta de partneruno
partneruno, Tengo algunos conocimientos sobres Flash 5 y Flash Mx
Antes que nada te pido una disculpa por la falta de atencion de mi parte, pero estaba muy ocupado[terminando la escuela...] OK! Si tiennes un texto dinamico lo puedes mandar a un frame que solo tenga el texto que quieres imprimir, nada mas le especificas al comando print que es el texto que esta en un frame especifico. Aver... Aqui esta la ayuda que el Flash Mx trae, aver si te sirve... Print Availability Flash Player 4.20. Usage Print (level) Print (level, "Bounding box") Print ("target") Print ("target", "Bounding box") PrintAsBitmap (level) PrintAsBitmap (level, "Bounding box") PrintAsBitmap ("target") PrintAsBitmap ("target", "Bounding box") Parameters Print In normal mode in the Actions panel, choose As vectors to print frames that do not contain bitmap images or use transparency (alpha) or color effects; choose As bitmap to print frames that contain bitmap images, transparency or color effects. If you choose the As bitmap Print parameter, the AsBitmap syntax is appended to the print action in the Actions panel. Level The level in the Flash Player to print. In the Actions panel in normal mode, if you choose a level, the print action switches to printNum or printAsBitmapNum; in expert mode, you must specify either printNum or printAsBitmapNum. By default, all of the frames in the level print. If you want to print specific frames in the level, assign a #p frame label to those frames. target The instance name of a movie clip to print. By default, all of the frames in the target instance print. If you want to print specific frames in the movie clip, assign a #p frame label to those frames. Bounding box A modifier that sets the print area of the movie. This parameter is optional. You can choose one of the following: ? bmovie Designates the bounding box of a specific frame in a movie as the print area for all printable frames in the movie. Assign a #b frame label to the frame whose bounding box you want to use as the print area. ? Bmax Designates a composite of all of the bounding boxes of all the printable frames as the print area. Specify the bmax parameter when the printable frames in your movie vary in size. ? bframe Designates that the bounding box of each printable frame be used as the print area for that frame. This changes the print area for each frame and scales the objects to fit the print area. Use bframe if you have objects of different sizes in each frame and want each object to fill the printed page. Returns None. Description Action; prints the target movie clip according to the boundaries specified in the parameter (bmovie, bmax, or bframe). If you want to print specific frames in the target movie, attach a #P frame label to those frames. Although the print action results in higher quality prints than the printAsBitmap action, it cannot be used to print movies that use alpha transparencies or special color effects. If you do not specify a print boundary parameter, the print area is determined by the Stage size of the loaded movie by default. The movie does not inherit the main movie's Stage size. You can control the print area by specifying the bmovie, bmax, or bframe parameters. All of the printable elements in a movie must be fully loaded before printing can begin. The Flash Player printing feature supports PostScript and non-PostScript printers. Non-PostScript printers convert vectors to bitmaps. Example The following example will print all of the printable frames in the movie clip myMovie with the print area defined by the bounding box of the frame with the #b frame label attached: print("myMovie","bmovie"); The following example will print all of the printable frames in myMovie with a print area defined by the bounding box of each frame: print("myMovie","bframe");