
Me podrias enviar una lista de los comandos o palabras reservadas que se utlizan en lingo para manejar, archivos de texto o me puedes decir donde encontrar información.

1 respuesta

Debes poner esto en la ventana message de director:
Put interface(xtra "fileio")
Y recibes una lista detallada de los comandos:
-- "xtra fileio -- version 8.5.1.r102
new object me -- create a new child instance
-- FILEIO --
fileName object me -- return fileName string of the open file
status object me -- return the error code of the last method called
error object me, int error -- return the error string of the error
setFilterMask object me, string mask -- set the filter mask for dialogs
openFile object me, string fileName, int mode -- opens named file. valid modes: 0=r/w 1=r 2=w
closeFile object me -- close the file
displayOpen object me -- displays an open dialog and returns the selected fileName to lingo
displaySave object me, string title, string defaultFileName -- displays save dialog and returns selected fileName to lingo
createFile object me, string fileName -- creates a new file called fileName
setPosition object me, int position -- set the file position
getPosition object me -- get the file position
getLength object me -- get the length of the open file
writeChar object me, string theChar -- write a single character (by ASCII code) to the file
writeString object me, string theString -- write a null-terminated string to the file
readChar object me -- read the next character of the file and return it as an ASCII code value
readLine object me -- read the next line of the file (including the next RETURN) and return as a string
readFile object me -- read from current position to EOF and return as a string
readWord object me -- read the next word of the file and return it as a string
readToken object me, string skip, string break -- read the next token and return it as a string
getFinderInfo object me -- get the finder info for the open file (Mac Only)
setFinderInfo object me, string attributes -- set the finder info for the open file (Mac Only)
delete object me -- deletes the open file
+ version xtraRef -- display fileIO version and build information in the message window
* getOSDirectory -- returns the full path to the Mac System Folder or Windows Directory

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