Buenos días, aquí te dejo el texto del email que me envió el webmaster haciéndose publicidad, a ver qué te parece. Yo no había abierto los enlaces que deja con tres ejemplos mostrando sitios muy elaborados, pero no entiendo que tienen que ver con algo que fuera mío. Si él desarrolla, por sólo 55 $ como dice, un sitio con el nombre de mi dominio, "consolyviento.com", luego ¿Tendría que meter yo todos esos, videos, y comentarios o noticias e ir actualizándolos? Qué complicación para empezar de repente con algo que no se sabe hacer. Sigo sin comprender bien la oferta.
Gradias por tu atención.
I am Fahad Hassen, a web application developer from Clearwater, Florida.
I'm writing to ask whether would you be interested in developing
consolyviento.com as a fully-featured website? I am asking because I see
that you have just registered the domain and assume you might already have
a fruitful concept to it. If you have any ideas, please let me know and I
can help you with the design/development. Let me put your mind at ease - I
almost always charge after I fully complete the work, and have been
developing a lot of fresh domains over the last few years.
I have attached a selected portfolio for your reference here; please have a
look -
The above portfolio page includes
- Simple to feature rich designs that cover a wide range of development
- Comments are included with some designs to help you better understand the
development solutions provided
Please also notice that I already have a sizable collection of pre-written
code that covers almost anything, such as small business sites, flash
game sites, news sites, trade portal sites and more, and I can email you
the relevant samples once you explain me the intended concept of the
If you do not have any plans yet for consolyviento.com and just thinking
of keeping the domain for a while (for resale or to develop later), why not
develop it as a video website, so it will have a nice traffic stream and
earning some money when you are ready to develop or resell? If you
have been in the trade for long enough, you would already know that having
content on a domain for a while makes the domain appear more authoritative
to Google, which is something important to consider, and will cut your work
to some extent when you proceed with the development. In simple words, the
site will rank a lot better. Additionally, you will also get some AdChoices
(Google AdSense) income during the period.
It doesn't break the bank and can be very effective. See the following cool
examples of a few different verticals.
eHour.co.uk - News website that refreshes every 15 minutes. (News Category)
ReasonsForInfertility.net/videos/ - Fertility treatment videos and more.
(Content Category)
MentalMuscle.info - Brain teaser site. (Challenge Category)
These are self-updating video sites that auto grab fresh video content
related to the site concept/theme and also rank in search engines very
high. I can develop a site like this on consolyviento.com for just $55,
which will increase the domain's cosmetic value and consequently, will call
for a valuable resale. Please note that the script development itself took
many man hours, but given the number of script installations I do, my cost
is justified; a typical customzied video site development usually goes at
around $1500.
I hope you see very good value in this offer.
Does this all sound good? Let me know what you think.
Thank You and Regards,
Fahad Hassen
Senior Web Application Developervideo sites that auto grab fresh video content
Comentario borrado por el autor - games vex
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