Exportar a excel

Necesito saber como exportar un gráfico a una hoja en excel. Yo tengo un gráfico en un formulario, pues preciso saber que código debo de poner en una opción que sea Exportar, para que al cliquear sobre ella, me habra un libro de trabajo en excel, y me aparezca el gráfico copiado alli.

1 Respuesta

Prueba lo siguiente:
ExcelApp. ActiveSheet. Shapes.AddPicture('d:\setup.bmp',
True , // LinkToFile
True , // SaveWithDocument
10 , // Left
90 , // Top
90 , // Width
90); // Height
para hacer esto,debo de tener un libro de trabajo ya creado?, o se supone que me lo crea y que mete el gráfico a ese libro creado?. Por otro lado, necesito saber si se necesita alguna componente adicional, o basta con lo que ya tengo. Necesito respuesta lo más breve posible. Gracias por tu tiempo.
ExcelApp es un componente de la paleta de Delphi. Es el servidor de aplicaciones Excel.
Te recomiendo estas 2 webs sobre automatización, están muy bien:
En www.delphi3000.com encontrarás también ejemplos de ello. Registrarte es gratuito.
Buscando en ella he encontrado lo siguiente:
With Delphi 5, to exchange data with an Application and Excel can be achieved easily by using the TExcelApplication component, available on the Servers Page of the Component Palette.
By way of example, let us take a Form with a TStringGrid, filled with some data and two Buttons, whose names are To Excel and From Excel. Then, let us put the TExcelApplication Component into this Form, and let us set its Name property to XLApp and its ConnectKind Property to ckNewInstance.
When we want to work with Excel, what we usually do is to open an ExcelApplication, then to open a WorkBook and finally to use a WorkSheet.
So, indubitably, the main object of interest in a real application is the collection of the WorkSheets of a WorkBook. Now, if we look closely on a particular WorkSheet, it is nothing else than a representation of a matrix, and indeed, behind the scene, in the MSExcel Object Model, this matrix is a variant. Hence, it is quite natural to use a variant in Delphi to send or to retrieve data to or from Excel.
Sending data to Excel
This is done in the following procedure :
procedure TForm1.BitBtnToExcelOnClick(Sender: TObject);
WorkBk : _WorkBook; // Define a WorkBook
WorkSheet : _WorkSheet; // Define a WorkSheet
I, J, K, R, C : Integer;
IIndex : OleVariant;
TabGrid : Variant;
if GenericStringGrid.Cells[0,1] <> '' then
IIndex := 1;
R := GenericStringGrid.RowCount;
C := GenericStringGrid.ColCount;
// Create the Variant Array
TabGrid := VarArrayCreate([0,(R - 1),0,(C - 1)],VarOleStr);
I := 0;
// Define the loop for filling in the Variant
for J := 0 to (C - 1) do
TabGrid[I,J] := GenericStringGrid.Cells[J,I];
I > (R - 1);
// Connect to the server TExcelApplication
// Add WorkBooks to the ExcelApplication
// Select the first WorkBook
WorkBk := XLApp.WorkBooks.Item[IIndex];
// Define the first WorkSheet
WorkSheet := WorkBk.WorkSheets.Get_Item(1) as _WorkSheet;
// Assign the Delphi Variant Matrix to the Variant associated with the WorkSheet
Worksheet.Range['A1',Worksheet.Cells.Item[R,C]].Value := TabGrid;
// Customise the WorkSheet
WorkSheet.Name := 'Customers';
Worksheet.Columns.Font.Bold := True;
Worksheet.Columns.HorizontalAlignment := xlRight;
WorkSheet.Columns.ColumnWidth := 14;
// Customise the first entire Column
WorkSheet.Range['A' + IntToStr(1),'A' + IntToStr(R)].Font.Color := clBlue;
WorkSheet.Range['A' + IntToStr(1),'A' + IntToStr(R)].HorizontalAlignment := xlHAlignLeft;
WorkSheet.Range['A' + IntToStr(1),'A' + IntToStr(R)].ColumnWidth := 31;
// Show Excel
XLApp.Visible[0] := True;
// Disconnect the Server
// Unassign the Delphi Variant Matrix
TabGrid := Unassigned;
Sending data from Excel
This is done in the following procedure :
procedure TForm1.BitBtnFromExcelOnClick(Sender: TObject);
WorkBk : _WorkBook;
WorkSheet : _WorkSheet;
K, R, X, Y : Integer;
IIndex : OleVariant;
RangeMatrix : Variant;
NomFich : WideString;
NomFich := 'C:\MyDirectory\NameOfFile.xls';
IIndex := 1;
// Open the Excel File
XLApp. WorkBooks. Open(NomFich, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam,
WorkBk := XLApp.WorkBooks.Item[IIndex];
WorkSheet := WorkBk.WorkSheets.Get_Item(1) as _WorkSheet;
// In order to know the dimension of the WorkSheet, i.e the number of rows and the
// number of columns, we activate the last non-empty cell of it
// Get the value of the last row
X := XLApp.ActiveCell.Row;
// Get the value of the last column
Y := XLApp.ActiveCell.Column;
// Define the number of the columns in the TStringGrid
GenericStringGrid.ColCount := Y;
// Assign the Variant associated with the WorkSheet to the Delphi Variant Matrix
RangeMatrix := XLApp.Range['A1',XLApp.Cells.Item[X,Y]].Value;
// Quit Excel and Disconnect the Server
// Define the loop for filling in the TStringGrid
K := 1;
for R := 1 to Y do
GenericStringGrid.Cells[(R - 1),(K - 1)] := RangeMatrix[K,R];
GenericStringGrid.RowCount := K + 1;
K > X;
// Unassign the Delphi Variant Matrix
RangeMatrix := Unassigned;

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