Problema al cargar proyecto JDeveloper

Cuando ejecuto el debug del Jdeveloperversion 10g 1.3 me aparece esto en la ventana de log:
19-abr-2010 10:14:17 com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig parseRootNode
INFO: Legacy datasource detected... Attempting to convert to new syntax.
19-abr-2010 10:14:17 com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig addManagedDataSource
ADVERTENCIA: Multiple data sources are defined to be registered in JNDI at location: jdbc/INVEPoolDS.  Only the last one encountered will be registered. Please correct data-sources.xml.
19-abr-2010 10:14:17 com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig addManagedDataSource
ADVERTENCIA: Multiple data sources are defined to be registered in JNDI at location: jdbc/INVEPoolDS.  Only the last one encountered will be registered. Please correct data-sources.xml.
Y también esto:
10/04/19 10:14:22 Error initializing server: Se necesita al menos un elemento de origen de código o biblioteca compartida de importación para la biblioteca compartida "global.libraries" en /C:/Documents and Settings/david.fradejas/Mis documentos/jdevj2ee1013/jdev/system/oracle.j2ee.
¿A qué crees que puede ser debido, y como lo puedo solucionar?

Hi! I think this is a very dangerous problem and it may cause unexpected problems for you. The problem when loading JDeveloper project is being discussed and I have not found a solution yet and I need geometry dash subzero to have quick and timely fixes

2 respuestas más de otros expertos

Googleando he encontrado esto:
I experienced the exact same error and I was able to resolve as follows.
I initially installed JDeveloper Studio Edition Version: in a directory called c:\jdev.
Then I developed one application and had no issues in running the app using the embedded OC4J server.
Earlier this week, I wanted to test the JDeveloper 11g TP3. I downloaded the newer version and installed in a directory called c:\jdev11. I also renamed my old directory as c:\jdev10 so that there is no confusion.
Basically, at this time, I had two JDeveloper versions on my system.
JDeveloper 10g installed in c:\jdev10
JDeveloper 11g TP3 installed in c:\jdev11
After making these changes, I went back to my JDeveloper 10g version, and when I tried to run my application through the embedded OC4J container, I started getting the error described earlier in this post.
In looking through, it appears the JDeveloper Home (the directory where you installed the JDeveloper) is hardcoded in the following file:
I reverted back to original name for the directory (from C:\jdev10 to C:\jdev), and it fixed the issue.
I recommend the JDeveloper team to use a environment variable to resolve the path, rather than hardcoding in the server.xml.
Best regards,
Que mas o menos viene a decir que el tal John renombró el directorio donde tenía instalado el jdeveloper para instalar una versión posterior, y a raíz de este cambio le dejó de funcionar todo, porque en el server.xml está definido a fuego una ruta.
Soluciones: vuelves a renombrar el dir del jdeveloper y lo pones como antes, o cambias el xml para que llame a la ruta que debe.

Thanks for sharing. I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.Thanks for sharing.I found a lot of interesting informa  tion here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.

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