Requiero que una aplicacion de PB pueda ponerse en el systray de window ya que la aplicacion debe de monitorear la llegada de ciertos archivos pero no debe interrumpir con el uso normal de la computadora y como que tenerla en la barra de tareas es siempre molesto.
2 Respuestas
Respuesta de aldob
aldob, Ingeniero en Sistemas con amplia experiencia en desarrollo de...
Encontré esto entre mis archivos, tal vez te sirva Cualquier cosa avisame Saludos AldoB ---------------- Building a Systray Icon By Ken Howe I've been getting a lot of requests for an example of how to put an icon in the systray. The systay is that small box near the time on the task bar. The object I've described is the main work horse and you should import this object into your Powerbuilder library. Basically there are a bunch of API calls which this object calls. The functions on the object provide a nice friendly interface to the API calls: --START OF OBJECT $PBExportHeader$nca_systray.sru $PBExportComments$Systray Utilities V2.0 forward global type nca_systray from nonvisualobject end type end forward type notifyicondata from structure long cbsize long hwnd long uid long uflags long ucallbackmessage long hicon character sztip[ 64 ] end type global type nca_systray from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate end type type prototypes function long Shell_NotifyIcon ( long dwMessage, ref notifyicondata lpData ) library "shell32" function long LoadImageA ( long hInstance, string lpszName, uint uType, int a, int b, uint l ) library "user32" function long LoadIconA( long hInstance, long lpcstr ) library 'user32' end prototypes type variables Protected: notifyicondata istr_lpdata window iw_win boolean ib_SystemTrayExists CONSTANT long NIF_MESSAGE=1 CONSTANT long NIF_ICON=2 CONSTANT long NIF_TIP=4 CONSTANT long NIM_ADD=0 CONSTANT long NIM_MODIFY=1 CONSTANT long NIM_DELETE=2 end variables forward prototypes public subroutine addicon (string as_iconname, string as_tiptext, window aw_win) public subroutine delicon () public subroutine changeicon (string as_IconName) public subroutine changetip (string as_TipText) public function boolean ib_systemtrayexists () end prototypes public subroutine addicon (string as_iconname, string as_tiptext, window aw_win); IF ib_SystemTrayExists THEN RETURN iw_Win = aw_Win istr_lpData.szTip = as_TipText + Char ( 0 ) istr_lpData.uFlags = NIF_ICON + NIF_TIP + NIF_MESSAGE istr_lpData.uID = 100 istr_lpData.cbSize = 88 istr_lpData.hwnd = Handle ( iw_Win ) istr_lpData.uCallbackMessage = 1024 istr_lpData.hIcon = LoadImageA( 0, as_IconName, 1, 0, 0, 80 ) shell_notifyicon ( NIM_ADD, istr_lpData ) ib_SystemTrayExists = TRUE end subroutine public subroutine delicon (); IF NOT ib_SystemTrayExists THEN RETURN istr_lpData.uID = 100 istr_lpData.cbSize = 88 istr_lpData.hwnd = Handle ( iw_Win ) shell_notifyicon ( NIM_DELETE, istr_lpData ) ib_SystemTrayExists = FALSE end subroutine public subroutine changeicon (string as_IconName); IF NOT ib_SystemTrayExists THEN RETURN istr_lpData.hIcon = LoadImageA ( 0, as_IconName, 1, 0, 0, 80 ) istr_lpData.uFlags = NIF_ICON shell_notifyicon( NIM_MODIFY, istr_lpData ) end subroutine public subroutine changetip (string as_TipText); IF NOT ib_SystemTrayExists THEN RETURN istr_lpData.szTip = as_TipText + Char ( 0 ) istr_lpData.uFlags = NIF_TIP shell_notifyicon ( NIM_MODIFY, istr_lpData ) end subroutine public function boolean ib_systemtrayexists (); RETURN ib_systemtrayexists end function on nca_systray.create TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" ) end on on nca_systray.destroy TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" ) end on event destructor; IF ib_SystemTrayExists THEN this.DelIcon() end event --END OF OBJECT Then in your window you need to instantiate the object and call the addicon function. In your open event call the function like: inca_sysTray.AddIcon( 'pbbrtray.ico', 'PBBrowse V2', this ) Then you need to add an event to your window so you can receive notification of when the user clicked your systray icon. Add an event called systray for pbm_custom01. Then to make the following script work, add a static text called st_status to the window and add this code to the systay eve
Mi estimado amigo, gracias tu codigo si lo he entendido, de hecho se parece mucho a uno que tengo en VB (Tambien por API functions), ahora bien lo que yo ocupo en esta aplicacion es que se ponga en el Systray cuando lo minimize y que cuando le de click derecho al Icono en el Systray me aparezca un menu popup, espero y puedas ayudarme thanks.
Disculpá la demora pero estoy buscando en mis archivos ya que me parece recordar algo de código similar a lo que solicitas y he tenido una semana bastante dificil AldoB
Thanks for sharing the article, and more importantly, your personal experienceMindfully using our emotions as data about our inner state and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Ap preciate you reading and sharing your story, since I can certainly relate and I think others can too