Significado de type mismatch visual basic

Hola experto! Tengo un ligerito problema..tengo el siguiente programa:
Public Sub test()
'Arg 1 = subfolder name in your Inbox
'Arg 2 = File extension, "jpg" is every file
'Arg 3 = Save folder, "C:\REPORTES-LCD" or ""
SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolder "Myfolder", "jpg", "C:\REPORTES-LCD"
End Sub
cuando lo corro me sale un mensaje de error "type mismatch" y me sombrea "Myfolder" y no sé porqué ni cómo ayudas con eso porfas?

1 Respuesta

Podrias explicar un poco mas que estas haciendo, y el error es que myfolder no es un tipo de datos aceptado por lo que estas tratando de utilizar
Quiero que si me llega un correo con adjunto jpg a la subcarpeta myfolder en outlook, lo pase a una carpeta en la unidad C. El programa es algo largo pero es este...
Public Sub test()
'Arg 1 = subfolder name in your Inbox
'Arg 2 = File extension, "jpg" is every file
'Arg 3 = Save folder, "C:\REPORTES-LCD" or ""
SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolder "Myfolder", "jpg", "C:\REPORTES-LCD"
End Sub
Public Sub SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolder(Item As MailItem, ExtString As String, DestFolder As String)
On Error GoTo ThisMacro_err
'Do not change code in the macro below
 Dim ns As NameSpace
 Dim Inbox As MAPIFolder
 Dim subfolder As MAPIFolder
 Dim Item As Object
 Dim Atmt As Attachment
 Dim FileName As String
 Dim MyDocPath As String
 Dim I As Integer
 Dim wsh As Object
 Dim fs As Object
 Set ns = GetNamespace("MAPI")
 Set Inbox = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
 Set subfolder = Inbox.Folders(OutlookFolderInInbox)
  I = 0
'Check subfolder for messages and exit of none found
If subfolder.Items.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no messages in this folder : " & OutlookFolderInInbox, vbInformation, "Nothing Found"
Set subfolder = Nothing
Set Inbox = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
 'Create DestFolder if DestFolder = ""
If DestFolder = "" Then
Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
MyDocPath = wsh.SpecialFolders.Item("c:\REPORTES-LCD")
DestFolder = MyDocPath & "\" & Format(Now, "mmm-dd-yyyy hh-mm-ss")
If Not fs.FolderExists(DestFolder) Then
fs.CreateFolder DestFolder
End If
End If
 If Right(DestFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
DestFolder = DestFolder & "\"
End If
' Check each message for attachments and extensions
For Each Item In subfolder.Items
For Each Atmt In Item.Attachments
If LCase(Right(Atmt.FileName, Len(ExtString))) = LCase(ExtString) Then
FileName = DestFolder & Item.SenderName & " " & Atmt.FileName
Atmt.SaveAsFile FileName
I = I + 1
End If
Next Atmt
Next Item
' Show this message when Finished
If I > 0 Then
MsgBox "You can find the files here : " _
& DestFolder, vbInformation, "Finished!"
MsgBox "No attached files in your mail.", vbInformation, "Finished!"
End If
' Clear memory
     Set subfolder = Nothing
     Set Inbox = Nothing
     Set ns = Nothing
     Set fs = Nothing
     Set wsh = Nothing
     Exit Sub
 ' Error information
     MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
          & vbCrLf & "Please note and report the following information." _
          & vbCrLf & "Macro Name: SaveEmailAttachmentsToFolder" _
          & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
          & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error!"
     Resume ThisMacro_exit
End Sub
Encontre este codigo que supuestamente lo hace
' Demonstrates how to save email attachments to a directory
Private Sub Save_Email_Attachments(dirPath As String, email As ChilkatEmail2)
' We can easily save all the attachments to the specified directory
' by calling SaveAllAttachments.
' The SaveAllAttachments method will automatically create the directory
' if it does not already exist.
success = email.SaveAllAttachments(dirPath)
' the return value is 1 for success, 0 for failure. A failure typically
' would occur if the process did not have permission to create files
' in the directory.
If (success = 0) Then
' The last-error information should contain enough information for you
' to resolve the problem.
MsgBox email.LastErrorText
Exit Sub
End If
' The email.OverwriteExisting property controls whether already-existing files
' are automatically overwritten. By default, it is set to 1 so that existing
' files will be overwritten.
' Setting OverwriteExisting = 0 will cause the attachment-saving methods to generate
' unique filenames if a file with the same name already exists. The actual filename(s)
' saved will be present by calling GetAttachmentFilename for each attachment *after*
' saving.
' For example...
email.OverwriteExisting = 0
success = email.SaveAllAttachments(dirPath)
n = email.NumAttachments
For i = 0 To n - 1
' If the attachment filename was changed to prevent overwriting,
' GetAttachmentFilename will return the new filename.
List1.AddItem email.GetAttachmentFilename(i)
' You may also save individual attachments:
For i = 0 To n - 1
List1.AddItem "Original Filename: " & email.GetAttachmentFilename(i)
success = email.SaveAttachedFile(i, dirPath)
List1.AddItem "Saved Filename: " & email.GetAttachmentFilename(i)
End Sub
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