Hola , te agradeceria que me informaras para que sirven estos programas, y con que parametros configurarlos si sirven para algo.Gracias desde ya.(estan metidos en mi windows y no se para que sirven)
1 Respuesta
Respuesta de schotm
schotm, Un Experto no es quien lo sabe todo, Simplemente tiene mas...
Drwatson The entries in the DrWatson subkey store configuration settings for Dr. Watson for Windows 2000 (drwtsn32.exe), the application error debugger for Windows 2000. These entries specify how the Dr. Watson for Windows 2000 notifies the user of an application error, and how its log file and crash dump file are configured. Dr. Watson for Windows 2000 is installed with Windows 2000. The entries described in this section appear in your registry the first time Dr. Watson for Windows 2000 is started on your system. Shocwave es un player de Macromedia que es similar al Flash solo que estos los hace otro procuto de la misma empresa llamado Director. RAMBooster is small, effective, and best of all, free. Installation is quick and painless, and setup is easy. Simply enter Preferences from the Menu Bar and tell the program how much RAM you'd like it to free up when your system reaches a point of low resources. RAMBooster will keep track of RAM usage and scrub your RAM free of flotsam left behind by programs that you may have closed, or background programs that are hogging more than their share of your system resources. You can perform a manual RAM cleaning by right-clicking the icon in the system tray and selecting Run Now. This action also lets you run a quick system reboot, or a Windows restart without rebooting.