Modem para MDK 9.1

Hola , necesito que por favor me ayude a utilizar más mi mdk y abandonar por fin a Guindos de Mocosoft, el problema es que descargue el siguiente archivo
(ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz) para instalar y configurar mi MODEM.
los datos de mi os son:
Linux Mandrake 9.1 / Nucleo= 2.4.21-0.13
Modem= Lucent Microelectronics
LT WinModem.
pero no se como instalarlo y configurarlo, para así navegar en mi Linux.
si puede también explicarme detalladamente como instalo temas, descargue unos muy buenos pero no se como se instalan.
Gracias Mil !!!

1 Respuesta

Para instalarlo tienes que hacer lo siguiente:
tar xzvf ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz
Esto te creará un directorio donde tendrás un fichero (README) con las instrucciones de instalación, básicamente será hacer lo siguiente:
Make install
Si tienes alguna duda pregúntame.
Un saludo
Gracias, por tu respuesta, lo instale pero me salio un error con respecto al nucleo,
¿tiene que ver la version de nucleo?
si quieres te envio el error que me sale?
Es mas facil con rpm o es igual?
cuando se intale, donde estara instalado?
Gracias !!!
Puede que no tengas instaladas las fuentes del núcleo. Es un paquete que se llama kernel-sources. Si quieres envíame el error.
Queda instalado en /usr/src/linux. Son unos módulos adicionales del núcleo. En principio, una vez instalado tú ya no tienes que hacer nada, te lo cargaría en al arranque automáticamente. No te lo puedo decir exactamente porque no tengo ese tipo de módem.
Lee bien la documentación, porque después de instalarlo puede que tengas que tocar algún fichero de configuración
Si tienes un rpm es mucho más fácil, porque lo único que tienes que hacer el instalar el rpm, no hace falta hacer ni make, ni nada.
Gracias por la ayuda que me estas dando, Creo que el error que me sale
cuando instalo el paquete ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz es el siguiente:
Checking for kernel headers
... in /usr/src/linux: nope
... in /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.21-0.13mdk: nope
... in /usr/scr/linux-2.4.21: nope
... in /usr/scr/linux-2.4.21-0.13mdk: nope
... in /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/buil: nope
ERROR: No kernel headers found.
if you have kernel headers installed but configure did not find them,
please try:
Configure the soureces with utils/srcprep
if a Debian like system, see utils /kpkgprep
install the kernel headers from your distribution if aviable.
Two other common problems are unreadable kernel sources
(SUSE - build as root) or unconfigured kernel sources
(configure kernel sources and execute make dep in the kernel source tree).
Tambien baje de el Scanmodem y lo ejecute, pero no entendi mucho,espero no molestarte con todo el texto que te evio, .... me salio algo asi
COMPILING DRIVERS, for Linux Newbies
Within the workshop there is an instruction set, the Makefile, and a few tools. You command:
make clean
An elf named "make" comes in, reads Makefile and then cleans up any debris of previous efforts.
Do ALWAYS command "make clean" as a first step before new driver compilations.
The major work of compiling drivers and any associated tools is commanded with:
or perhaps
make DriverName
There only remains to command installation of the modem driver(s) and tools with:
make install
Configuration of a dialout utility is done elsewhere, and you can access the Internet.
It is really that simple, once the workshop with tools has been prepared.
But new drivers have to be compiled with every operaing system update.
The remainder of this text is thus aids you in the preparations, dealing with a variety of special cases.
Most points are covered in much more detail in the Linux Kernel-HOWTO, likely included among the
HOWTO documentation set installed within /usr/share/doc/ folders.
The core operating system of a PC is comprised of a motherboard, the software kernel,
and its auxilliary code modules. The kernel is the file /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.21-0.13mdk.
Modules located in subfolders of /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/ . They can be inserted into or removed
from the acting kernel upon demand. This provides adaptablity to the diverse
hardware components of PCs and changing requirments.
Modem drivers are one type of module. As contrasted to most Linux software, modem driver codes have
some non-public code components. That is the drivers are not fully Open Source, to protect
Intellectual Property of the providing companies. This has a consequence that many Linux distributions
will not or cannot legally supply proprietary modem drivers. Rather the Users must get the
modem code package and direct compiling of the code and driver installation.
A complementary resource for compiling is a family of FileNames.h, collectively called kernel-headers.
They are both code bits themselves and also call for other code bits their functioning depends on.
Depending on the Linux distribution, kernel-headers may not be automatically installed.
If not they will always be made available on installation media or some Linux repository.
They can be searched for by package names including: kernel-source, linux-source, kernel-headers and linux-headers
There are always some kernel-headers in afolder /usr/include/. But these are an INCOMPLETE, too small collection
and DO NOT suffice for compiling processes.
In addition some software utilities may have to be installed. The instructions for compiling are read by make.
A set of compiler tools are installed as a gcc-SomeVersion package. After compiling, the various pieces
and linked dynamically together with "ld". Together wiith some simpler software tools, the ld will
already be installed on Linux systems. Systems using the Debian style maintanence system
additionally require a package "kernel-kbuild-3.n" to properly utilize kernel-headers or 2.6.n kernels.
The "kernel-headers" are matched with an installed kernel, or must be generated from a kernel-source package.
These are provided in different ways by the various Linux distributions, under 2.6.n kernels:
Redhat and Fedora - installation is coincident with kernel installation,
with placement of the kernel-header base folder in /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/build/
Mandrake and SuSE/Novell - installation as part of a kernel-source or linux-source packages,
with location at /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.21-0.13mdk or /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-0.13mdk
Debian and distros using its Package.deb format have names:
linux-headers-2.4.21-0.13mdk for Ubuntu
and installation is into /usr/src/
Others - ???
For the prior generation of 2.4.n kernels, there are special cases. Skip this if your kernel is a 2.6.n or a Debian type.
For RPM using distros, the kernel-source-2.4.21-0.13mdk or linux-source-2.4.21-0.13mdk packages must be installed and configured as described below:
1) SuSE with KernelVersion 2.4.21-144-* or later - install the matching kernel-source package, which does also contain the kernel-headers;
2) for Fedora II or later, kernel-headers are/were coinstalled with the kernel package;
3) for all other cases of 2.4.n kernels, the kernel-headers must be prepared from kernel-source.
The preparation can be summarised in a few steps/actions:
Install a kernel-source package representing your kernel.
Change directory (cd) into its base folder. The kernel-source in general
will match only one of several kernels that could have been installed
and NOT necessarily yours. Thus clean out any remnants of earlier usages with:
make mrproper
Copy in your kernel configuration file and have it read with:
make oldconfig
If necessary edit ONLY the fourth line of the Makefile, which completes
the specification of where drivers will be installed to (details below).
The kernel-headers are then assembelled by either:
a) for 2.4.nn kernels by
make dep
b) for 2.6.n kernels,
make bzImage
which includes an integral "make dep" step.
Modem related resources may or may not have been installed during the primary Linux installation,
as WinModem hardware is often NOT recognized. Search your Distro's package
descriptions for "modem" to reveal the status of related resources. Read
the package description to determine whether pre-compiled modem drivers were provided.
RESOURCES of a few types are needed to get on line. Do PREFERABLE use your System's
package maintenance system for the installation. This should guarantee that
any DEPENDENT packages will be called into the installation process. As a preliminary
1) Install your distributions package providing the KPPP, WVDIAL and MINICOM dialer utilities.
Dependencies within such packages will also drive the unpacking of ppp related modules
from compressed to a functional form :
module.o.gz --> modules.o
or for 2.6.n kernels
module.ko.gz --> module.ko
In addition these dialers will later aid testing and configuration,
which is to be performed only AFTER, the modem's drivers are installed.
2) Download if necessary and modem driver package specific to your modem hardware.
3a) Install if necessary your distrbution's kernel-source package, necessary for preparing kernel-headers under 2.4.n kernels
Or for Debian style distributions,
3b) install the kernel-header-2.4.21-0.13mdk.deb package matching your kernel version 2.4.21-0.13mdk.
A KERNEL-SOURCE package must be installed, if a full kernel-header set
is not otherwise provided. Kernel-source packages are now some 30-40 MB now even in compressed form.
The package provided by your Linux Distro SHOULD preferentially be used.
It will usually have some differences from that initially released at .
Typically the installation process will set two symbolic links:
/lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/build --> PATH_to/kernel-source-version/
/usr/src/linux --> PATH_to/kernel-source-version/
These later enable access to the kernel-headers needed during the modem driver compiling. Check with:
ls -l /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/build
ls -l /usr/src/linux
The former link is more usefull for Systems with alternative boot kernels,
and is mandatory for some modem compiler packages.
HIGHLY IMPORTANT: the kernel-source as installed in generally does NOT
represent your current kernel version, EVEN if the kernel-version is the same.
Only one of several possible kernels was installed on your System,
and the unpacked kernel-source need NOT represent it exactly!!!
For example, in the RedHat Distro there is a set of kernel-configuration files within
Each is specialized for a different CPU (i586, i686, K6, etc),
Yet each will be represented by the VERY SAME version name: "uname -r" .
!!!! Thus a PROPER CONFIGURATION MUST BE DONE by You, before compiling drivers !!!!
Examples provided below are partially customized from your System settings.
CONFIGURATION is started by moving into the kernel-source folder with one of:
cd /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/build
cd /usr/src/linux
A kernel-source packages is not evident on your System
For your current kernel, the fourth line should be
where -0.13mdk has been read from your current kernel version: 2.4.21-0.13mdk.
But it this does not match what is Actually in the Makefile,
then it represents a Different kernel-header set then that of your kernel!!!
For Mandrake Linux their will generally be an included "mdk", such as:
SuSE 9.0 had:
EXTRAVERSION = -99-default
The first four makefile lines specify that:
a) the compiled kernel modules/drivers will have encoded version labels such as:
2.4.21-3.1mkd OR 2.4.21-99-default
b) such modules including modem drivers are installed into sub-folders of
The major points are that compiled drivers must be both
kernel-release (the 2.4.21) AND EXTRAVERSION matched with the installed kernel.
Otherwise they may be installed uselessly and not be detected by the kernel
OR there will be a failure upon attempted insertion, with message including:
a list of "unresolved symbols ".
Kernel-headers may be resident from a prior usage of the kernel-source/.
Check with:
ls include/linux/
which may display abundant FileNames.h
The version of these headers will be in the UTS line displayed by
cat include/linux/version.h
#define UTS_RELEASE "2.4.21-3.1mdk" (as an example)
Next, list completely the contents of the kernel-source with:
ls -a
Where the " -a " additionally reveals ".dot-prefixed-confguration-files" such as
.config .hdepend .depends
which may be left over from the prior usage of the kernel-source. Below is an example:
.config .hdepend .depends
COPYING Makefile Rules.make init mm
CREDITS README arch drivers ipc net
Documentation conf.vars fs kernel scripts
Configuration of the kernel-source is where almost all the Mistakes occur!!!
Here is a way to do it correctly (but read through EXCEPTIONAL CASES below).
1)Within kernel-source/ folder, browse the README file for general guidance.
It will relate that the command:
# make mrproper
cleans up leftovers from any previous usage .dot-files and the include/linux/ folder.
Additionally you may need to do an edit within Makefile, but ONLY that 4th line.
2) If necessary to edit, FIRST make a backup:
cp Makefile Makefile.backup
then edit ONLY the 4th line of Makefile to match the EXTRAVERSION of 2.4.21-0.13mdk
NEVER change anything else within the Makefile.
3) Set the dependencies of the current kernel.
For SuSE 9.0 and later, there is a command which does the following steps
# make cloneconfig && make dep
Also browse the excellent README.SuSE in the kernel-source/ folder
For other Distros, the following steps are necessary, within the kernel-source/ folder
copy the kernel-config file to .config
and DO SPECIFY that " . "
But where is it? For many Distros, it will be the file like
matching the output of:
uname -r
Or it may be the target of a symbolic link: /boot/config -->
cp /boot/config-2.4.21-0.13mdk .config
For SuSE 8.0 and earlier versions it is:
cp /boot/vmlinuz.config .config
PLEASE do not omit that "." in .config as it is crucially necessary.
View .config with a text browser.
It is simply a listing of the code components used in the kernel and its modules:
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
# CONFIG_SBUS is not set
4) The .config file will be read during
# make oldconfig
which feeds its specifications through a process specifying
the SAME inter-dependencies previously used in compiling your kernel,
and may generate additional .dot-config files . They can be displayed with:
# ls -al
5) Though it may be redundant after "make mrproper", it will do no harm to:
make clean
5a) For the SuSe Linux versions 8.0 and previous , there will exist files:
They MUST be copied as:
cp /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h /usr/src/linux/include/linux/autoconf.h
cp /boot/vmlinuz.version.h /usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h
6) Now build kernel-headers with:
make dep
for 2.4.n kernels or for 2.6.n kernels
make bzImage
during which you can walk your dog, take a shower, have tea, etc.
7) Check for resultant FileNames.h with:
ls include/linux/
cat include/linux/version.h
to verify the version.
COMPILING the MODEM DRIVERS can now finally be done.
Unpack the compiler kit for your modem drivers,
cd into its folder, read any README or INSTALL files,
make clean
FINALLY, your modem drivers will compiled by a command like
make OR make ModuleName
or perhaps
make all
During this process, some of the kernel-header code with be joined
with the supplied modem specific code, and ModemDrivers.o will be produced.
Follow and further instructions in the modem code resource
to install the drivers, often with:
make install
Tambien en un archivo llamado ModemData.txt
decia esto:
Packages below are for compiling drivers:
ResourceName Use for kernel ranges
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz kernels 2.4.21 and earlier
ltmodem-8.30a3.tar.gz kernels 2.4.21 and subsequent 2.4.2n kernels
ltmodem-8.31a10.tar.gz beginnig with 2.4.21 through and into 2.6.n kernels
has installers for older 2.4.n kernels moved from
and subfolder kernel-2.6/ for 2.6.n kernel support. The latest resouce is:
ltmodem-2.6-7-alk-7.tar.bz2 from Alex Kondratenko
ltmodem-2.6-7alk.src.rpm is a repackaging for by Stephan Puck. After installation
of a kernel-source package (not necessary for fedora releases) use by:
rpmbuild --rebuild ltmodem-2.6-7alk.src.rpm , which will deposit an installer at:
/usr/src/rpm/RPMS/i586/ltmodem-kv_YourVersion.rpm Check with
# ls -l /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/i586/ltmodem*
Then install with:
# rpm -i /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/i586/ltmodem-kv_YourVersion.rpm
Support is effective at least into 2.6.11-1.14_FC3.
PCMCIA ltmodem support is still being ported from 2.4.n to 2.6.n, as of May 2005
The desired installer name is like:
ltmodem-kv-Kernel_FL-LTver--.CPU.rpm explains the versioning.
For your System
Kernel_FL is 2.4.21-0.13mdk , the full kernel version displayed by: uname -r
LTver is 8.31a9, the release of the compiler kit
8.nn is the Agere core code designation.
The proccesor type or CPU is: i686 dispayed by: uname -m
used in compiling and assembling driver packages.
A suitable installer is not available as of this 2005_May_21 update.
Check in the section mandrake at
for a subsequent Installer submission.
Older releases have been archived at:
Also there is a RPM search engine at:
The closest match to your i686=CPU is recommended.
The closest match to your i686=CPU is recommended.
For example replacements in order of preference for an
i686 would be i586, i486 and i386
If not present use the ltmodem-8.31a9.tar.gz compiler kit.
The list of available Installers for mandrake as of this 2005_May_21
is inserted into to Modem/General.txt
De nuevo muchas gracias y espero no estarte molestando, seria muy bueno que lograramos solucionar este pequeño inmpase y por fin disfrutar a plenitud de mi LINUX.
otra parte encontre estos datos de los paquetes para el modem,
Mandrake 9.0:
Sean Rice <[email protected]>
Mandrake 9.1:
Marvin Stodolsky <[email protected]>
Mandrake 9.2:
Ivan <[email protected]>
pero como sabemos, mis datos son distintos y no concuerdan exactamente con los anteriores:
Linux Mandrake 9.1
Kde 3.1.0
maquina: i686
modem: lucen Microelectronics (Lt WinModem)
Ademas, respecto a lo que me respondiste anteriormente ....
No encuentro la fuentes del kernel... me fije si lo tenía instalado: fuí a
/usr/src/... y aparece solo una carpeta /RPM...
Lo que te falta son las cabeceras (headers) del núcleo para poder instalarlo.
Las cabeceras son unas bibliotecas en C que utilizan los programas de instalación del software del módem (la idea es que en vez de reinventar la rueda en cada cosa que programan, utilizan partes "fijas").
Lo que tienes que hacer es instalar estas cabeceras. Para ello necesitas un paquete llamado:
- kernel-source.**.rpm
Los ** corresponden a la versión. Si no tienes estos paquetes en tus CDs de instalación de Mandrake, los puedes conseguir en la web de Mandrake:
(Ocupan mucho para bajártelos con un módem)
Hola de nuevo.
Gracias por tu explicacion, tengo algunas preguntas:
*si mi maquina corresponde al i686, tengo que instalr las headers, para i686 o no importa, y sirve el i586?
¿lo mismo para el modem o no importa?
1. ¿Sabes por que no estaban en el pc, si instale todo! ?
2. los instalo desde el selector o administrador de paquetes?
*¿desde el cd 3?
3.luego de tenerlos instalados..?
The desired installer name is like:
¿este sera el modem que nesecito? ¿Donde encontrarlo, no lo he podido lograr?
o sera alguno de estos?
tengo los siguientes:
mis datos son distintos y no concuerdan exactamente con los anteriores:
Linux Mandrake 9.1
Kde 3.1.0
maquina: i686
modem: lucen Microelectronics (Lt WinModem)
*¿Eso importa?
Muchas gracias Roberto, no sabes lo importante que esta siendo tu ayuda en estos momentos, espero que ya casi lo logremos.
.....Encontre en el CD n° 3.
5. ¿eSTO significa, que mi maquina no es i686?
(maquina i686, aparece en el centro de control.)
¿ejecuto este archivo y...?
"no olvides las ateriores preguntas"
PD: cambie mi e mail,en el registro de Todo Expertos, espero no haya problema !!!
Ese archivo sirve para i586 y superiores, como el tuyo.
En la instalación "completa" te instala "todo lo importante" pero no "todo todo" :) Date cuenta de que las fuentes del núcleo sólo las vas a utilizar si tienes que instalar algo "especial" como en tu caso.
Te cuento lo que yo haría
1.- Instalar el paquete para las fuentes del núcleo. Lo mejor es que lo hagas desde consola:
Urpmi kernel-source-2.4.21-0.13mdk.i586.rpm
(Como usuario root).
2) Después instala de la misma forma el paquete rpm que has conseguido para tu módem, y me cuentas si funciona. El paquete apropiado sería:
(Que es el que corresponde a tu versión de núcleo). Si esto no funciona prueba con el tgz como al principio, que ése casi seguro que funciona.
Un saludo y suerte (ah, y no te asuste linux. Lo más complicado que se puede hacer es instalar un winmodem, que es lo que estás haciendo ahora mismo todo lo demás es mucho más fácil)
P.d: Perdona que no te pueda ayudar mejor, pero al no tener ese módem no puedo decirte los pasos exactos
Pues parece que vamos mejorando :)
¿Una pregunta se te desconecta enseguida o cuándo ingresas usuario y password (al poco rato)?
Si te deja poner el usuario seguramente es porque tengas mal el método de autenticación. Prueba con los distintos valores PAP, CHAP o combinado a ver con cuál te va bien.
Espero que con esto se solucione. Ah, y cuando te funcione el módem espero que visites mi web ;-)

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