Layout desde weba un archivo txt y excel
Necesito hacer un layout desde una forma a un archivo .txt, ya lo pude hacer desde el cliente de Lotus note pero cuando lo corro desde web no me hace caso, no funciona, tu me podrias ayudar a generar uno desde la web con un formulario abierto y que este se genere y se pege a una crpeta de windows y lo mismo lo quiero pero tambien desde una vista pero ahora que se genere un archivo excel.
Ojala me puedas ayudar
Ojala me puedas ayudar
1 respuesta
Respuesta de e6967712

e6967712, Hola, soy Raúl Peláez
Tienes dos formas. Una, creando un agente que genere el Excel y lo guarde en una carpeta dentro del PC del servidor y luego otro proceso que cree un documento y anexe ese archivo excel y lo borre del PC. Para hacer esto necesitas crear un agente limpio ( sin prompts) y con la propiedad de ejecutar llamandolo con RunOnServer.
La otra opción, elegida por todo el mundo, es desde la web viendo la URL de la vista que quieres exportar a Excel darle al botón derecho y a la opción "Exportar datos a Excel". Esa propiedad sale a partir de Excel 97 (instalando todas las opciones de acceso a datos externos por ODBC, etc.)
Funciona de maravilla.
Feliz año, salu2.
La otra opción, elegida por todo el mundo, es desde la web viendo la URL de la vista que quieres exportar a Excel darle al botón derecho y a la opción "Exportar datos a Excel". Esa propiedad sale a partir de Excel 97 (instalando todas las opciones de acceso a datos externos por ODBC, etc.)
Funciona de maravilla.
Feliz año, salu2.

gracias por tu respuesta el inconveniente que tengo es que el requiero de desde un boton desde web se genere el layout, intente la segunda opcion pero no les gusta yo creo que podria ser la primero, no tendras un agente con un codigo pequeño que tengas para darme idea, te lo agradeazco si me puedes seguir ayudando.
Saludos y gracias
Saludos y gracias

Create un agente con el codigo LotusScript k te paso:
'Export to Excel v2.06:
Option Public
This Script has been created by D. Hasa, Yel GmbH, Switzerland in April 2001
It may be distributed and modified freely, as long as this header is kept intact.
Please report any bugs, fixes or enhancements to [email protected]
This script exports a UIView 'As-Is' from Notes 5 to Excel 2000
It has been tested with Notes 5.03/5.05 into Excel97 & 2000
--> Every column (include headers) is a column in Excel
and every value displayed of a document is a row in Excel
Every Value will be inserted as Text into Excel
It is only a script without any Dialog-Boxes by exception --> Distribution and
Implementation is very easy
Simply copy this whole file into an Agent:
Name: Export to Excel
Run: Manually from Actions Menu
Act on: All documents in View
Run: Lotus Script
--> Export works in any View/Folder of that database
Selected documents
You can now export also only selected documents, but the script gets thru all documents in a view,
because the the property doc.ColumnValues(n) only returns a value, if it has been fetched from a view
(Selected documents get fetched by a NotesDocumentCollection).
Excel-Object Problems
Added another ExcelApp-Constant (Excel. Application.8)
Visualised Progress
This script is From
Thanks to Les Szklanny
--> I cannot give you any guaranty of proper functionality you can turn it on or of --> const visualproc
Changed Error-Handling on ExcelObject Create
- Removed Form1..4 from Formatting (does not exist anymore)
- Added Constant for Papersize
- If titbar-rotate = 0 then autofit from line 1 else from line 2
- Removed Error with 'count'-columns
- Changed bug if only one doc is selected (Thanks to A. Migliore)
- Added ability to export multivalue columns (Functions ListText and ReplaceSubString)
- Changed force 'Text'-Export
- Trim for all values
- Ask for Exporting ResponseDocs
- Retrieve and keep numbervalues (asked to convert to text)
'Set Papersize: 10*14=16 / 11*17=17 / A3=8 / A4=9 / A4small=10 / A5=11 / B4=12 / B5=13
Const psize = 9
Const visualproc = True 'Display VisualProgress true = yes /false = no
Const AppConst = "Excel.Application"
Const AppConst2 = "Excel.Application.8"
Const NPB_TWOLINE% = 1 '1 is for the big "in its window" progress bar and 32 is for the small blue line at the bottom of the screen
' Procedures in nnotesws.dll (undocumented!!).
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim nc, nl, nmore
Dim selList(0 To 16) As String
Dim vcol List As String
Dim indoresp As Integer, inleaveString As Integer
Dim excelAppObject As Variant
Declare Function NEMProgressBegin Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval wFlags As Integer ) As Long
Declare Sub NEMProgressEnd Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long )
Declare Sub NEMProgressSetBarPos Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval dwPos As Long)
Declare Sub NEMProgressSetBarRange Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval dwMax As Long )
Declare Sub NEMProgressSetText Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval pcszLine1 As String, _
Byval pcszLine2 As String )
Class ProgressBar
' Objects
Private hwnd As Long
' Constructor.
Sub New (BarRange As Long)
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
' Create the progress bar.
Me.hwnd = NEMProgressBegin (NPB_TWOLINE)
' Set the bar range.
Call NEMProgressSetBarRange (Me.hwnd, BarRange)
Exit Sub
Dim TheError As String
TheError = "Constructor: Error " + Str(Err) + ": " + Error$
Messagebox TheError, 0 + 48, "Progress Bar Error"
End Sub
' Destructor.
Sub Delete
' Destroy the progress bar.
Call NEMProgressEnd (Me.hwnd)
End Sub
Public Sub UpdatePosition (BarPos As Long)
' Update the bar position.
Call NEMProgressSetBarPos (Me.hwnd, BarPos)
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateProgressText (BarMsg As String, UpdateMsg As String)
' Update progress text.
Call NEMProgressSetText (Me.hwnd, BarMsg, UpdateMsg)
End Sub
End Class
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto ExitExcel
'Main Code
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim UIview As NotesUIView
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim coldoc As NotesDocument
Dim BarMsg As String, UpdateMsg As String
Dim countall As Long, countthis As Long, countallsel As Long, countthissel As Long
Dim NChar As String
Set UIview = workspace.CurrentView
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
UIViewname = UIView.ViewName
UIViewAlias = UIView.Viewalias
Set view = db.GetView( UIViewName )
Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments
gowithselection = False
goonall = True
'Determine if it is a collection
countallsel = collection.count
If countallsel >=1 Then
gowithselection = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_YESNO, "Selection found", "Export only selected documents?")
Set doc=collection.getfirstdocument
'Check if there is really a doc selected
If (doc Is Nothing) And (goonwithselection) Then
Msgbox "Invalid selection"
Exit Sub
End If
Set doc = Nothing
BarMsg = "Exporting selected documents ..."
goonall = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_YESNO, "No Selection found", "Export all documents?" + Chr$(13) + "Info: If you want to export only selected documents," + Chr$(13) + "please select these documents before running this script.")
If goonall=False Then
Print "Exiting..."
Exit Sub
End If
Set collection = Nothing
BarMsg = "Exporting documents ..."
End If
doformat = Messagebox("Format the Excel-Sheet?", 36)
If doFormat = 6 Then
Call SetSelList()
SelForm = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, "AutoFormat-Form","Select the Autoformat-Form", "Simple" , SelList)
TitleBar = Cint(Inputbox ( "How many degrees shall the Title-Line be turned", "Title-Turn", "0"))
If Titlebar > 90 Then
TitleBar = 90
Elseif TitleBar < -90 Then
TitleBar = -90
End If
End If
SelAutoForm = getAutoForm( selForm )
indoresp = Messagebox("Exporting also possible Response-Documents?", 36)
inleaveString = Messagebox("Export all as text (Numbers converted to Text)?", 36)
'Launch Excel and open it in the UI
On Error Goto 0
Set excelAppObject = CreateObject( AppConst )
'Try other AppConst
If excelAppObject Is Nothing Then
Set excelAppObject = CreateObject( AppConst2 )
If excelAppObject Is Nothing Then
Msgbox "Could not create an Excel Object"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
On Error Goto ExitExcel
excelAppObject.Visible = False
Call excelAppObject.Workbooks.Add
Set excelWorksheetObject = excelAppObject.ActiveSheet
'Add the table labels
Forall c In view.Columns
'do not export hidden columns or those with fixed vals (not displayed as doc.columnvalues!!!!)
If Not c.ishidden And Not c.IsIcon And Not (c.IsFormula And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "@") And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "+")) Then
nchar = countcol(nChar)
excelWorksheetObject.Range( nchar + "1").Value = Trim(c.Title)
End If
End Forall
m_let = nchar
'Export Documents
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
If gowithselection Then countall = countallsel Else countall = view.AllEntries.Count
countthis = 0
countthissel = 0
exitnow = False
If visualProc Then Dim RefreshProgress As New ProgressBar (countall) 'display the ProcessWindow/Bar
While Not ( doc Is Nothing Or exitnow)
countthis = countthis + 1
If gowithselection Then
Set coldoc = Nothing
Set coldoc = collection.GetDocument(doc)
If Not coldoc Is Nothing Then 'Exports only if doc is part of collection
If (doc.isResponse And indoresp=6) Or Not doc.isResponse Then
Call ExportDoc(excelWorksheetObject)
countthissel = countthissel + 1
End If
End If
If visualproc Then
UpdateMsg = "Exporting document " + Cstr(countthissel) + " of " + Cstr(countall) + Chr$(13) + "Processing Doc in View: " + Cstr(countthis)
Call RefreshProgress.UpdatePosition (countthissel)
Print "Exporting document " + Cstr(countthissel) + " of " + Cstr(countall) + " / " + "Processing Doc in View: " + Cstr(countthis)
End If
'Exit routine if all selected docs are exported
If countall = countthissel Then exitnow = True
If (doc.isResponse And indoresp=6) Or Not doc.isResponse Then
Call ExportDoc(excelWorksheetObject)
UpdateMsg = "Exporting document " + Cstr(countthis) + " of " + Cstr(countall)
If visualproc Then
Call RefreshProgress.UpdatePosition (countthis)
Print UpdateMsg
End If
End If
End If
If visualproc Then Call RefreshProgress.UpdateProgressText (BarMsg, UpdateMsg)
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
'formating the Worksheet
If doformat = 6 Then
BarMsg = "One moment please..."
UpdateMsg = "Formating the document..."
If visualproc Then Call RefreshProgress.UpdateProgressText (BarMsg, UpdateMsg) Else Print Updatemsg
If titlebar=0 Then
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A2:" + m_let + Cstr(nl) ).Select
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A1:" + m_let + Cstr(nl) ).Select
End If
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A1:" + m_let + Cstr(nl)).Select
With excelAppObject.Selection
.AutoFormat SelAutoForm, False, True, False, True, True, False
.VerticalAlignment = -4160
End With
With excelAppObject.Selection
.VerticalAlignment = -4107
.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = Cint(titlebar)
.ShrinkToFit = False
.MergeCells = False
' .RowHeight = 215
End With
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A:" + m_let).Select
With excelAppObject.Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 10
End With
With excelAppObject.Windows(1)
End With
With excelWorksheetObject.PageSetup
.Orientation = 2
.LeftHeader = "&""Arial,Bold""&18"+db.Title+" - "+ UIViewAlias
.CenterHeader = ""
.RightHeader = "Datum: &D"
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = ""
.RightFooter = "Seite &P"
.PrintArea = ("A1:"+ m_let + Cstr(nl))
.PaperSize = 9
.CenterHorizontally = True
.FitToPagesTall =False
.zoom = False
End With
End If
excelAppObject.Visible = True
Exit Sub
Print "Error in Line " + Cstr(Erl) + " : " + Cstr(Error)
excelAppObject.DisplayAlerts = False
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function countcol( nChar As String)
If nc=91 Then
nmore = nmore+1 'PreChar = Axx (AC23)
nc=65 'reset to A
End If
If nmore > 0 Then
nchar = Cstr(Chr(nc))
End If
countcol = nchar
End Function
Function getAutoForm( selForm) As Integer
Select Case SelForm
Case "Simple"
SelAutoForm = -4154
Case "Classic1"
SelAutoForm =1
Case "Classic2"
SelAutoForm =2
Case "Classic3"
SelAutoForm =3
Case "Accounting1"
SelAutoForm =4
Case "Accounting2"
SelAutoForm =5
Case "Accounting3"
SelAutoForm =6
Case "Color1"
SelAutoForm =7
Case "Color2"
SelAutoForm =8
Case "Color3"
SelAutoForm =9
Case "List1"
SelAutoForm =10
Case "List2"
SelAutoForm =11
Case "List3"
SelAutoForm =12
Case "D3Effects1"
SelAutoForm =13
Case "D3Effects2"
SelAutoForm =14
Case "Accounting4"
SelAutoForm =17
Case Else
SelAutoForm =-4142
End Select
GetAutoForm = SelAutoForm
End Function
Sub SetSelList()
SelList(0) = "Simple"
SelList(1) = "Classic1"
SelList(2) = "Classic2"
SelList(3) = "Classic3"
SelList(4) = "Accounting1"
SelList(5) = "Accounting2"
SelList(6) = "Accounting3"
SelList(7) = "Accounting4"
SelList(8) = "Color1"
SelList(9) = "Color2"
SelList(10) = "Color3"
SelList(11) = "List1"
SelList(12) = "List2"
SelList(13) = "List3"
SelList(14) = "D3Effects1"
SelList(15) = "D3Effects2"
SelList(16) = "None"
End Sub
Sub ExportDoc(excelWorksheetObject)
On Error Goto ErrorEntry
Dim nChar As String, MyString As String
Dim MyVal As Variant, MyRepl(1) As Variant
Dim inisString As Integer
nl= nl+1
ocount = 0
MyRepl(0) = Chr$(13)+Chr$(10)
MyRepl(1) = Chr$(13)
inisString = True
Forall c In view.Columns
'do not export hidden columns!
If Not c.ishidden And Not c.IsIcon And Not (c.IsFormula And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "@") And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "+")) Then
nchar = countcol(nChar)
MyVal = doc.ColumnValues(ocount)
If Isarray(MyVal) Then
MyString = ListToText(MyVal)
If Isnumeric(MyVal) Then inisString = False
MyString = MyVal
End If
MyString = ReplaceSubString( MyString , MyRepl , Chr$(10) )
With excelWorksheetObject.Range(nchar + Cstr(nl))
If Not inisString And inleaveString=7 Then
.NumberFormat = "0"
.NumberFormat = "@"
End If
.Value = MyString
End With
End If
End Forall
Exit Sub
With excelWorksheetObject.Range(nchar + Cstr(nl))
.NumberFormat = "@"
End With
Resume Next
End Sub
Function ListtoText ( MyVal As Variant )
Dim NewVal As String
NewVal = ""
Forall x In MyVal
If NewVal = "" Then
NewVal = x
NewVal = NewVal + Chr$(10) + x
End If
End Forall
If NewVal = "" Then NewVal = MyVal Else ListtoText = NewVal
End Function
Function ReplaceSubString(stOriginal As String , vaAll As Variant , stTo As String) As String
Dim stString As String
Dim inFound As Integer,inStart As Integer,inDone As Integer
Forall stWhat In vaAll
If (stWhat<>stTo) Then
While Not inDone
If inFound=0 Then inFound=Instr(stString,stWhat)
End If
End Forall
End Function
Luego ese agente lo ejecutas desde una accion en la vista con @Command([RuntoolsMacro];"Agente").
Es un exportador a excel universal PERO PARA LOTUS NOTES.
Exporta una vista a --> excel
Quitale todos los prompts, prints y messagebox y haz que el excel que genera lo guarde en el servidor y luego a un documento
'Export to Excel v2.06:
Option Public
This Script has been created by D. Hasa, Yel GmbH, Switzerland in April 2001
It may be distributed and modified freely, as long as this header is kept intact.
Please report any bugs, fixes or enhancements to [email protected]
This script exports a UIView 'As-Is' from Notes 5 to Excel 2000
It has been tested with Notes 5.03/5.05 into Excel97 & 2000
--> Every column (include headers) is a column in Excel
and every value displayed of a document is a row in Excel
Every Value will be inserted as Text into Excel
It is only a script without any Dialog-Boxes by exception --> Distribution and
Implementation is very easy
Simply copy this whole file into an Agent:
Name: Export to Excel
Run: Manually from Actions Menu
Act on: All documents in View
Run: Lotus Script
--> Export works in any View/Folder of that database
Selected documents
You can now export also only selected documents, but the script gets thru all documents in a view,
because the the property doc.ColumnValues(n) only returns a value, if it has been fetched from a view
(Selected documents get fetched by a NotesDocumentCollection).
Excel-Object Problems
Added another ExcelApp-Constant (Excel. Application.8)
Visualised Progress
This script is From
Thanks to Les Szklanny
--> I cannot give you any guaranty of proper functionality you can turn it on or of --> const visualproc
Changed Error-Handling on ExcelObject Create
- Removed Form1..4 from Formatting (does not exist anymore)
- Added Constant for Papersize
- If titbar-rotate = 0 then autofit from line 1 else from line 2
- Removed Error with 'count'-columns
- Changed bug if only one doc is selected (Thanks to A. Migliore)
- Added ability to export multivalue columns (Functions ListText and ReplaceSubString)
- Changed force 'Text'-Export
- Trim for all values
- Ask for Exporting ResponseDocs
- Retrieve and keep numbervalues (asked to convert to text)
'Set Papersize: 10*14=16 / 11*17=17 / A3=8 / A4=9 / A4small=10 / A5=11 / B4=12 / B5=13
Const psize = 9
Const visualproc = True 'Display VisualProgress true = yes /false = no
Const AppConst = "Excel.Application"
Const AppConst2 = "Excel.Application.8"
Const NPB_TWOLINE% = 1 '1 is for the big "in its window" progress bar and 32 is for the small blue line at the bottom of the screen
' Procedures in nnotesws.dll (undocumented!!).
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim nc, nl, nmore
Dim selList(0 To 16) As String
Dim vcol List As String
Dim indoresp As Integer, inleaveString As Integer
Dim excelAppObject As Variant
Declare Function NEMProgressBegin Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval wFlags As Integer ) As Long
Declare Sub NEMProgressEnd Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long )
Declare Sub NEMProgressSetBarPos Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval dwPos As Long)
Declare Sub NEMProgressSetBarRange Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval dwMax As Long )
Declare Sub NEMProgressSetText Lib "nnotesws.dll" ( Byval hwnd As Long, Byval pcszLine1 As String, _
Byval pcszLine2 As String )
Class ProgressBar
' Objects
Private hwnd As Long
' Constructor.
Sub New (BarRange As Long)
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
' Create the progress bar.
Me.hwnd = NEMProgressBegin (NPB_TWOLINE)
' Set the bar range.
Call NEMProgressSetBarRange (Me.hwnd, BarRange)
Exit Sub
Dim TheError As String
TheError = "Constructor: Error " + Str(Err) + ": " + Error$
Messagebox TheError, 0 + 48, "Progress Bar Error"
End Sub
' Destructor.
Sub Delete
' Destroy the progress bar.
Call NEMProgressEnd (Me.hwnd)
End Sub
Public Sub UpdatePosition (BarPos As Long)
' Update the bar position.
Call NEMProgressSetBarPos (Me.hwnd, BarPos)
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateProgressText (BarMsg As String, UpdateMsg As String)
' Update progress text.
Call NEMProgressSetText (Me.hwnd, BarMsg, UpdateMsg)
End Sub
End Class
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto ExitExcel
'Main Code
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim UIview As NotesUIView
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim coldoc As NotesDocument
Dim BarMsg As String, UpdateMsg As String
Dim countall As Long, countthis As Long, countallsel As Long, countthissel As Long
Dim NChar As String
Set UIview = workspace.CurrentView
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
UIViewname = UIView.ViewName
UIViewAlias = UIView.Viewalias
Set view = db.GetView( UIViewName )
Set collection = db.UnprocessedDocuments
gowithselection = False
goonall = True
'Determine if it is a collection
countallsel = collection.count
If countallsel >=1 Then
gowithselection = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_YESNO, "Selection found", "Export only selected documents?")
Set doc=collection.getfirstdocument
'Check if there is really a doc selected
If (doc Is Nothing) And (goonwithselection) Then
Msgbox "Invalid selection"
Exit Sub
End If
Set doc = Nothing
BarMsg = "Exporting selected documents ..."
goonall = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_YESNO, "No Selection found", "Export all documents?" + Chr$(13) + "Info: If you want to export only selected documents," + Chr$(13) + "please select these documents before running this script.")
If goonall=False Then
Print "Exiting..."
Exit Sub
End If
Set collection = Nothing
BarMsg = "Exporting documents ..."
End If
doformat = Messagebox("Format the Excel-Sheet?", 36)
If doFormat = 6 Then
Call SetSelList()
SelForm = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, "AutoFormat-Form","Select the Autoformat-Form", "Simple" , SelList)
TitleBar = Cint(Inputbox ( "How many degrees shall the Title-Line be turned", "Title-Turn", "0"))
If Titlebar > 90 Then
TitleBar = 90
Elseif TitleBar < -90 Then
TitleBar = -90
End If
End If
SelAutoForm = getAutoForm( selForm )
indoresp = Messagebox("Exporting also possible Response-Documents?", 36)
inleaveString = Messagebox("Export all as text (Numbers converted to Text)?", 36)
'Launch Excel and open it in the UI
On Error Goto 0
Set excelAppObject = CreateObject( AppConst )
'Try other AppConst
If excelAppObject Is Nothing Then
Set excelAppObject = CreateObject( AppConst2 )
If excelAppObject Is Nothing Then
Msgbox "Could not create an Excel Object"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
On Error Goto ExitExcel
excelAppObject.Visible = False
Call excelAppObject.Workbooks.Add
Set excelWorksheetObject = excelAppObject.ActiveSheet
'Add the table labels
Forall c In view.Columns
'do not export hidden columns or those with fixed vals (not displayed as doc.columnvalues!!!!)
If Not c.ishidden And Not c.IsIcon And Not (c.IsFormula And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "@") And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "+")) Then
nchar = countcol(nChar)
excelWorksheetObject.Range( nchar + "1").Value = Trim(c.Title)
End If
End Forall
m_let = nchar
'Export Documents
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
If gowithselection Then countall = countallsel Else countall = view.AllEntries.Count
countthis = 0
countthissel = 0
exitnow = False
If visualProc Then Dim RefreshProgress As New ProgressBar (countall) 'display the ProcessWindow/Bar
While Not ( doc Is Nothing Or exitnow)
countthis = countthis + 1
If gowithselection Then
Set coldoc = Nothing
Set coldoc = collection.GetDocument(doc)
If Not coldoc Is Nothing Then 'Exports only if doc is part of collection
If (doc.isResponse And indoresp=6) Or Not doc.isResponse Then
Call ExportDoc(excelWorksheetObject)
countthissel = countthissel + 1
End If
End If
If visualproc Then
UpdateMsg = "Exporting document " + Cstr(countthissel) + " of " + Cstr(countall) + Chr$(13) + "Processing Doc in View: " + Cstr(countthis)
Call RefreshProgress.UpdatePosition (countthissel)
Print "Exporting document " + Cstr(countthissel) + " of " + Cstr(countall) + " / " + "Processing Doc in View: " + Cstr(countthis)
End If
'Exit routine if all selected docs are exported
If countall = countthissel Then exitnow = True
If (doc.isResponse And indoresp=6) Or Not doc.isResponse Then
Call ExportDoc(excelWorksheetObject)
UpdateMsg = "Exporting document " + Cstr(countthis) + " of " + Cstr(countall)
If visualproc Then
Call RefreshProgress.UpdatePosition (countthis)
Print UpdateMsg
End If
End If
End If
If visualproc Then Call RefreshProgress.UpdateProgressText (BarMsg, UpdateMsg)
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
'formating the Worksheet
If doformat = 6 Then
BarMsg = "One moment please..."
UpdateMsg = "Formating the document..."
If visualproc Then Call RefreshProgress.UpdateProgressText (BarMsg, UpdateMsg) Else Print Updatemsg
If titlebar=0 Then
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A2:" + m_let + Cstr(nl) ).Select
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A1:" + m_let + Cstr(nl) ).Select
End If
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A1:" + m_let + Cstr(nl)).Select
With excelAppObject.Selection
.AutoFormat SelAutoForm, False, True, False, True, True, False
.VerticalAlignment = -4160
End With
With excelAppObject.Selection
.VerticalAlignment = -4107
.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = Cint(titlebar)
.ShrinkToFit = False
.MergeCells = False
' .RowHeight = 215
End With
excelWorksheetObject.Range("A:" + m_let).Select
With excelAppObject.Selection.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 10
End With
With excelAppObject.Windows(1)
End With
With excelWorksheetObject.PageSetup
.Orientation = 2
.LeftHeader = "&""Arial,Bold""&18"+db.Title+" - "+ UIViewAlias
.CenterHeader = ""
.RightHeader = "Datum: &D"
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = ""
.RightFooter = "Seite &P"
.PrintArea = ("A1:"+ m_let + Cstr(nl))
.PaperSize = 9
.CenterHorizontally = True
.FitToPagesTall =False
.zoom = False
End With
End If
excelAppObject.Visible = True
Exit Sub
Print "Error in Line " + Cstr(Erl) + " : " + Cstr(Error)
excelAppObject.DisplayAlerts = False
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function countcol( nChar As String)
If nc=91 Then
nmore = nmore+1 'PreChar = Axx (AC23)
nc=65 'reset to A
End If
If nmore > 0 Then
nchar = Cstr(Chr(nc))
End If
countcol = nchar
End Function
Function getAutoForm( selForm) As Integer
Select Case SelForm
Case "Simple"
SelAutoForm = -4154
Case "Classic1"
SelAutoForm =1
Case "Classic2"
SelAutoForm =2
Case "Classic3"
SelAutoForm =3
Case "Accounting1"
SelAutoForm =4
Case "Accounting2"
SelAutoForm =5
Case "Accounting3"
SelAutoForm =6
Case "Color1"
SelAutoForm =7
Case "Color2"
SelAutoForm =8
Case "Color3"
SelAutoForm =9
Case "List1"
SelAutoForm =10
Case "List2"
SelAutoForm =11
Case "List3"
SelAutoForm =12
Case "D3Effects1"
SelAutoForm =13
Case "D3Effects2"
SelAutoForm =14
Case "Accounting4"
SelAutoForm =17
Case Else
SelAutoForm =-4142
End Select
GetAutoForm = SelAutoForm
End Function
Sub SetSelList()
SelList(0) = "Simple"
SelList(1) = "Classic1"
SelList(2) = "Classic2"
SelList(3) = "Classic3"
SelList(4) = "Accounting1"
SelList(5) = "Accounting2"
SelList(6) = "Accounting3"
SelList(7) = "Accounting4"
SelList(8) = "Color1"
SelList(9) = "Color2"
SelList(10) = "Color3"
SelList(11) = "List1"
SelList(12) = "List2"
SelList(13) = "List3"
SelList(14) = "D3Effects1"
SelList(15) = "D3Effects2"
SelList(16) = "None"
End Sub
Sub ExportDoc(excelWorksheetObject)
On Error Goto ErrorEntry
Dim nChar As String, MyString As String
Dim MyVal As Variant, MyRepl(1) As Variant
Dim inisString As Integer
nl= nl+1
ocount = 0
MyRepl(0) = Chr$(13)+Chr$(10)
MyRepl(1) = Chr$(13)
inisString = True
Forall c In view.Columns
'do not export hidden columns!
If Not c.ishidden And Not c.IsIcon And Not (c.IsFormula And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "@") And Not Instr(1, c.Formula, "+")) Then
nchar = countcol(nChar)
MyVal = doc.ColumnValues(ocount)
If Isarray(MyVal) Then
MyString = ListToText(MyVal)
If Isnumeric(MyVal) Then inisString = False
MyString = MyVal
End If
MyString = ReplaceSubString( MyString , MyRepl , Chr$(10) )
With excelWorksheetObject.Range(nchar + Cstr(nl))
If Not inisString And inleaveString=7 Then
.NumberFormat = "0"
.NumberFormat = "@"
End If
.Value = MyString
End With
End If
End Forall
Exit Sub
With excelWorksheetObject.Range(nchar + Cstr(nl))
.NumberFormat = "@"
End With
Resume Next
End Sub
Function ListtoText ( MyVal As Variant )
Dim NewVal As String
NewVal = ""
Forall x In MyVal
If NewVal = "" Then
NewVal = x
NewVal = NewVal + Chr$(10) + x
End If
End Forall
If NewVal = "" Then NewVal = MyVal Else ListtoText = NewVal
End Function
Function ReplaceSubString(stOriginal As String , vaAll As Variant , stTo As String) As String
Dim stString As String
Dim inFound As Integer,inStart As Integer,inDone As Integer
Forall stWhat In vaAll
If (stWhat<>stTo) Then
While Not inDone
If inFound=0 Then inFound=Instr(stString,stWhat)
End If
End Forall
End Function
Luego ese agente lo ejecutas desde una accion en la vista con @Command([RuntoolsMacro];"Agente").
Es un exportador a excel universal PERO PARA LOTUS NOTES.
Exporta una vista a --> excel
Quitale todos los prompts, prints y messagebox y haz que el excel que genera lo guarde en el servidor y luego a un documento
- Compartir respuesta
- Anónimo
ahora mismo