Auto generar código alfanumérico y mostrarlo en un TextBox
Tengo un userform para cargar datos a una BD llamada "Inventario" en el hay un TextBox1 donde debo colocar un código alfanumérico de la forma "FEC-000001" quisiera ver si hay alguna forma de cargar automáticamente el código al TextBox sumándole uno al ultimo existente cada vez que abra el userform y/o cargue la información a la BD con el CommandButton1. Anexo código del userform.
P.D. La base de datos ya tiene información
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim c As Range With Worksheets("Inventario").Range("a2:a1000000") Set c = .Find(TextBox1, , LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not c Is Nothing Then Worksheets("inventario").Visible = True Worksheets("inventario").Select c.Select MsgBox "Clave : " & TextBox1 & " Ya Existe" TextBox1 = Empty TextBox2 = Empty TextBox3 = Empty TextBox4 = Empty TextBox5 = Empty TextBox6 = Empty ComboBox1 = "" TextBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub Else If TextBox1 = "" Then MsgBox "Ingrese Clave" TextBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If TextBox2 = "" Then MsgBox "Ingrese Articulo" TextBox2.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If TextBox4 = "" Then MsgBox "Ingrese Marca" TextBox4.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If ComboBox1 = "" Then MsgBox "Ingrese Unidad" ComboBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If TextBox5 = "" Then MsgBox "Ingrese Procedencia" TextBox5.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If TextBox3 = "" Then MsgBox "Ingrese Existencia Inicial" TextBox3.SetFocus Exit Sub End If If TextBox6 = "" Then MsgBox "Ingrese Comentario" TextBox6.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If End With strTitulo = "Ferrociclables, S.A. de C.V." Continuar = MsgBox("Dar de alta los datos?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, strTitulo) If Continuar = vbNo Then Exit Sub libre = ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1 Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 1).Value = TextBox1 Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 2).Value = TextBox2 Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 3).Value = TextBox4 Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 4).Value = ComboBox1 Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 5).Value = TextBox5 Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 6).Value = Val(TextBox3) Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 9).Value = "=RC[-3]+RC[-2]-RC[-1]" Worksheets("Inventario").Cells(libre, 10).Value = TextBox6 If TextBox3 = 0 Then End If TextBox1 = Empty 'textbox1, dejar en blanco TextBox2 = Empty 'etc TextBox4 = Empty ComboBox1 = Empty TextBox5 = Empty TextBox3 = Empty TextBox6 = Empty MsgBox "Datos guardados" 'mostrar el mensaje "Datos guardados" MsgBox "Alta exitosa.", vbInformation, strTitulo End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() sino = MsgBox("Estás seguro de cerrar alta de articulos?", vbYesNo, "CONFIRMA") If sino <> vbYes Then Exit Sub Cancel = True Altas.Hide Menu.Show End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Set rango = Selection For Each cell In rango TextBox1.Value = UCase(TextBox1.Value) Next End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Change() Set rango = Selection For Each cell In rango TextBox2.Value = UCase(TextBox2.Value) Next End Sub Private Sub TextBox4_Change() Set rango = Selection For Each cell In rango TextBox4.Value = UCase(TextBox4.Value) Next End Sub Private Sub TextBox5_Change() Set rango = Selection For Each cell In rango TextBox5.Value = UCase(TextBox5.Value) Next End Sub Private Sub TextBox6_Change() Set rango = Selection For Each cell In rango TextBox6.Value = UCase(TextBox6.Value) Next End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ComboBox1.Clear TextBox1 = Empty TextBox2 = Empty TextBox3 = Empty TextBox4 = Empty TextBox5 = Empty TextBox6 = Empty TextBox1. SetFocus ComboBox1. AddItem "PIEZA" ComboBox1. AddItem "KILOS" ComboBox1. AddItem "LATA" ComboBox1. AddItem "PAQUETE" ComboBox1. AddItem "KIT" ComboBox1. AddItem "CAJA" ComboBox1. AddItem "BOTE" ComboBox1. AddItem "PAR" ComboBox1. AddItem "METROS" ComboBox1. AddItem "ROLLO" ComboBox1. AddItem "JUEGO" ComboBox1. AddItem "BOLSA" End Sub 'Evita Cerrar La Ventana Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = 0 Then MsgBox "Use el botón Cerrar del formulario", vbInformation, " Botón No Disponible " Cancel = 1 CloseMode = 1 End If End Sub
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Respuesta de James Bond
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