Unir varios archivos de excel en una hoja
Quiero unir varios archivos de excel en una hoja pero no deja, lor archivos tienes esta macro, no se ei sera de ayuda
'Lasata Vision Agora XLB MacroBuilder Module © 1999 Lasata Pty Ltd
'This module is used by Vision Agora XLB to provide MacroBuilder functionality.
' All code within this module is subject to change/deletion whenever MacroBuilder is run.
' As a result, customisations/additions within this module may be deleted when MacroBuilder
' is used.
' As a result, it is recommended that you use a different module for your own customisations.
Option Explicit
Public Sub LaunchRoutine_62217465740000()
LaunchXLBMacro "MACRO1"
End Sub
Public Sub MACRO1()
'Se creó usando el Generador de Macro de Q&A XL 22/06/2011 17:46 por Luis Alberto Garcia Mosquera.
'Generado usando Q&A XL MacroBuilderversión V10.0.3.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
oXLBMacro.Recalculate LsXLBRecalculateWorksheet, SheetName:=ActiveSheet.Name
'Ensure Application is ready to resume control
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Interactive = True
oXLBMacro.MacroDisableScreenUpdating False
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error al ejecutar MACRO1:" & vbCrLf & "Línea: " & Erl & vbCrLf & "Número: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Descripción: " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error del Macro Q&A XL"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Interactive = True
oXLBMacro.MacroDisableScreenUpdating False
End Sub
Public Sub LaunchXLBMacro(ByVal ProcedureName As String)
'This procedure determines if the XLB addin is referenced in the current workbook.
'If it isn't, an attempt is made to add the reference.
'If this succeeds, it then runs the procedure whose name is passed.
Dim i As Integer
Dim Referenced As Boolean
On Error GoTo ReferenceError
'Add reference
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
'Search for Reference to XLB Addin
For i = 1 To .Count
If .Item(i).Name = "LsAgXLB" Then 'Found the addin
Referenced = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
'Check if it is already referenced
If Not Referenced Then
'Add the Reference
.AddFromFile "C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA\LsAgXLB.xla"
End If
End With
On Error GoTo LaunchError
Select Case ProcedureName
Case Else: Err.Raise 1
End Select
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Cannot locate the Vision Agora XLB Add-in. Aborting.", vbOKOnly, "Vision Macro Error"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Unable to run Macro " & ProcedureName & ". Aborting", vbOKOnly, "Vision Macro Error"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Interactive = True
End Sub