Temperatura de los caños de un aire acondicionado

He comprado un equipo tipo split de 12000 btu de sólo frío totalmente nuevo y he notado que en la unidad exterior los dos tubos siempre están frios y el más grueso en las noches se congela, quisiera saber si esto indica algún problema pues el que tenía antes el tubo fino nunca estaba frío y el más grueso sólo un poco. El equipo enfría bien.

5 Respuestas


I love that Escape Road City keeps surprising me with little details, like random events that alter your escape path. Sometimes you’ll encounter sudden roadblocks; other times, you’ll find rarely used alleyways.


See if the unit is frozen


Your AC unit is blowing air, but it's room temperature or warm and the room won't get cool.

Fix: Sometimes when an air conditioner runs nonstop to keep up with the heat, the evaporator coil freezes over. Put your hand on the side of the unit near where the filter is. If it feels very cold, then it's probably frozen inside. You may even see ice hanging off the unit.

Turn off the cooling mode and turn on the fan to let the evaporator coils defrost. While you're at it, be sure that the filter and the coils around the filter are dust-free. Dust can make an AC unit freeze over, too.

Defrosting can take a few hours, so you may want to go out to a movie or head to the mall while you wait.

Very important: Do not use your air conditioner on the cool setting if you suspect it is frozen over. This can ruin the compressor (an important component), leading to expensive repairs.


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Great advice on checking for a frozen unit! That’s a common issue, especially when the AC is working overtime. If you’re tired of dealing with these problems and are thinking about a more reliable solution, you might want to consider upgrading to a ductless air conditioning system. For anyone looking into ductless air conditioning systems installation, you might want to go to this site. They’ve got some fantastic options that could sabe you from those frustrating AC breakdowns in the future.


Los tubos nunca deberisb congelarse. Hay que aislarlos con Armaflex.

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