Fildena Chewable 100 online erectile dysfunction drug that keeps you on for long which is the best solution to improve penile bl

Fildena Chewable 100 Mg Tablet | Take | Storage | Uses


fildena chewable 100 mg pill is a medication mostly write for who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Fildena chewable 100mg is contain active components of sildenafil citrate. Which is extension to blood flow in blood vesselthat is helpful in erectile dysfunction. That’s why reason of Fildena chewable 100mg is most written medication by doctor or physician. Fildena chewable 100mg medicine comprise sildenafil citrate which is PDE type of 5 is inhibitor cGMP into vein and that is increase the blood flow into vein. In commenaly who can unable to getting of erection during intercouse, that patient write a prescription for filagra tablet also in the treatment some factor playing role like age, weight, etc.Fildena chewable 100mg tablet include some side effects and some contraindication but a effecacy and production of Fildena chewable 100 mg capsule is most write a prescription for in india.

¿How To Work Fildena Chewable 100 Mg Tablet?

Fildena chewable is a PDE5 inhibiting drug which aims to impede the action of the enzyme PDE5 produced by the human penile tissues. PDE5 is commonly released after a successful intercourse, and its main function in the penis is to allow the organ to revert to its normal size post intercourse or any sexual activity. However, in sick patients, the action of the PDE5 is meddled with and it is precipitately emitted in the penile tissues, causing the deterrence of the suitable erectile response to sexual stimuli.

¿How To Take Fildena Chewable 100 Mg Tablet?

Take fildena chewable drug, an hour before receive physically intimate with the partner.. You can take the drug orally with water either with or instead of food in stomach pouch. The dose when swallow by the patient shows its effect on the human penile for duration not less than 5 hours. Person should not do again the dose of fildena up to period of next 1 day.


Missed Dose

If you forget to take sildenafil citrate 100, then you can hold it directly and keep proper time among your next doses, if you are at your next dose time then skip the missed dose. Do not double the dose.


You can lay hold of only one pill at a time. If you still not get any result or effect you can contact your physician to but do not take more pills.

Side Effect:

Nasal tightness,

Loose motion,


Loose motion,


Tinnitus and



Temporary color blindness.


fildena chewable 100 Mg tablet may persuade a slight easing in cardiac output.

Plasma levels of PDE5 inhibitors like in the pill are increased in healthy patients > 65 years. Lower dosage may be considered in such cases.

It is recommended that ED medication to be used with caution in patients that have anatomical deformation of the penile and in patients that have conditions which may predispose them to priapism.

Sildenafil Citrate component is not recommended for consumption in combination with other ED medications or treatment methods.

PDE5 is known to be present in platelets, hence Sildenafil Citrate composed pill should be administered with caution in patients which have a bleeding disorder or peptic ulcer disease.


This chewable medication is stored at the temperature (15°C to 30°C).

Protect medicine from heat, moisture and direct sunlight.

Keep this chewable tablet in air tight container.

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