Me pueden pasar esta lectura a tercera persona en ingles

Hello my is margarita;i am 13 years old, and i love to look after the environment . Today, i will tell you about my day, and actions i follow to protec the planet . I wake up at six o' clock . I get up at six thirty . I have a shower instead of a bath to save water and energy at six forty five i get dressed at seven o' clock . I have breakfast at seven thirty . I brush my teeth and close the water tap while doing it at seven forty five . I go to the school and admire the plants, animals, mountains, and, trees at eight o' clock . I usually take an apple, a sandwich, and some juice in my cloth bag to school . I don't use plastic bags because they pollute the environment i take classes at eight fifteen . I take a break to eat and pick up my litter at ten o' clock . I come home at twelve o' clock, i have lunch at twelve thirty, i do homework at one o' clock, i do exercise at two o' clock, i listen to music at three o' clock, i go out with friends at five ten i have dinner at seven o' clock, and i go to bed at eleven o' clok .

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