Thus, "tribal" Art qua Art, is an artistic activity and an act of creativity. It may only be understood by adopting an approach

Thus, "tribal" Art qua Art, is an artistic activity and an act of creativity. It may only be understood by adopting an approach that views the arts as not dissociated from life but integral to it, i.e. Experience and creativity are its central concern – be this be termed Art or non-Art in conventional terms. This is a departure from such notions as ‘art for art’s sake’, conflict-confrontationists binary opposites (sacred-secular, high-low, literate-non-literate, urban-rural or tribal, traditional-modern, etc.), structural-functional, uni or multilinear evolutionary models and so on gond painting  ways of investigations. The paper suggests principles of complementarity, pluralism, concurrency, coexistence, polyvalence and synergy, to view works of Art – "tribal" art – within the framework of the universal category of a creative act. Obviously implying thereby that there are no fundamental qualitative hierarchies amongst the spheres of creativity, often so assessed through the adoption/application of socio-economic yardsticks of ‘development’ and ‘progress’. The concern of artistic manifestation is to focus attention on dynamic interrelationships, towards what one may call ‘integrality’ as distinct from de-contextualization of artistic manifestation and expression which is true in the modern context.

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