I’d happily lend you a towel except I threw mine in.The official score for summer 2006:

I’D happily lend you a towel except I threw mine in.

The official score for summer 2006: poker trips 2, Chris 0.

I’M just not getting any better and I’m sick of sitting around in a foreign apartment that’s arguably extending my sinus headaches. Southwest agreed to change my ticket gratis, so I couldn’t come up with any good reasons to sit around and watch shitty cable anymore. I’M heading back to Louisville.

¿How do I feel?  Well, past the persistent sinus issues [lame, I’m aware], I feel pretty effing burnt out. I’M not enjoying poker even when I do get to play, and I’m finding myself wielding an increasingly itchy trigger finger on the old temper. I feel a bit defeated, to be honest - not because the trips stuck me huge [although they did represent the only unprofitable Live Draw HK trips I’ve ever taken], but more as a result of a realization the back-to-back beat downs prompted: I don’t think I’m cut out for regular travel. More precisely, I don’t enjoy playing on the road.

Thankfully, I’ve got plenty to focus on when I get back home, so there won’t be many opportunities for dwelling and taking a break for heavy playing will be pretty easy. Between the site overhaul and the move, there’s more than enough to keep me busy, and hopefully that time away will give me the proper space to figure out what role I want poker to play in my day-to-day life. I’Ve auditioned several different alternatives over the course of the last year; for a few months I tried to focus on both the site and poker equally, for a few months I gave the site and my other work-related responsibilities almost exclusive focus, and for the last couple of months, poker has been in the driver’s seat. I haven’t been entirely happy with any arrangement, so now I guess it’s a matter of taking some time to consider what other options I have.

The action out is here is insane

Some of the loosest damn games i’ve ever seen in my life. People making ridiculous calls.

I am, of course, referring to online poker, which is all i’ve been playing for the last 5 days. I’Ll try not to belabor the point, but it’s funny; about a week ago i’m writing a post about how I came all the way out to Vegas just to play at Caesars, and now I’m writing a post about how I came halfway across the country just to start playing online again.

Who knows why we feel the way we feel or do the things we do. Being sick sucks, but crushing games online helps to ease the suffering.

Turns out I had nothing to say.  Whoops!

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