Recorrer lista utilizando buscarv (loop, bucle)
Como podría hacer para recorrer toda la lista con buscarv, cuento con la siguiente macro:
Sub VLOOKUPtry() Dim reff As Range Dim lookuptable As Range Dim columnin As Integer Dim exactma As Boolean Dim strRng As String Dim rngCell As Range Dim rngSelection As Range strRng = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address 'On Error Resume Next Set reff = Application.InputBox("Que quieres buscar", _ "Select Range", Type:=8) Set rngSelection = Application.InputBox("en donde lo buscaremos", _ "Select Range", strRng, Type:=8) 'Set lookuptable = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="What is the range of the data?", Type:=8) columnin = Application.InputBox("numero de columna") exactma = 2 'If rngSelection Is Nothing Then Exit Sub '// Turn on error checking 'On Error GoTo 0 ActiveCell.FormulaLocal = "=buscarv" & "(" & reff.Address & ";" & "'[" & rngSelection.Parent.Parent.Name & "]" & rngSelection.Parent.Name & _ "'!" & rngSelection.Address(0, 0) & ";" & columnin & "" & ";" & exactma & "" & ")" End Sub
la idea es ir recorriendo cada nombre y buscando las notas en otro archivo.