Slobbering on My Laptop online casino malaysia The soccer coach of the Big Guy (our ten year old) is moving to Seattle, so he as
Slobbering on My Laptop online casino malaysia
The soccer coach of the Big Guy (our ten year old) is moving to Seattle, so he asked me to coach the team. Our first online casino malaysia game was last night, a disappointment in that five boys didn't make it (games are on Saturday's, but they've added two weekday games to get the schedule to ten games). His coach is really a great player but hasn't worked too much on their positions, so some of the guys chase the ball a good bit. Three of the missing players are the best on the team, so I was skeptical as well as we only had nine boys (eight on the field at a time). We were solid, though, and won 4-1. All-In (our eight year old) has a doubleheader Friday night. I've coached his team since he was four, and it is truly the highlight of my week coaching the boys. We have seventeen boys on the team (think about trying to get seventeen eight year old boys to do anything for an hour). As a treat for the doubleheader, I've ordered black mesh jerseys for the night. We switched this year to all teams having two jerseys (blue and green). It was meant to solve some logistical issues, but part of soccer for these early ages is seeing little boys and girls in purple or yellow unis. So Friday night will be a big bash.
I didn't have a good afternoon and evening for some reason. Combine lack of production, anxiousness over getting the China contract signed, and malaise over the sluggishness of my own energy regarding what to do next was a cauldron for being in a funk. I ended up playing from 11:30-2:45 this morning, which I haven't done in quite awhile. It was a dangerous mix yesterday afternoon then late night:
Net for the day is +178.73. The problem I've had with casino malaysia (which I won't have going forward) is just not enough tables. Here's what drives me up to $30/60: five full tables at $10/20 with 25 waiting list yet no new tables opening; $30/60: fourteen tables, four with available seating. Here's what has kept me away from FullTilt: no tables. When you have five tables going and a huge waiting list, all you've got are a bunch of poker players. Now, I don't mind poker players, but I'm getting sick of them frankly. Differences between $30/60 and $5/10: absolutely more aggression for sure (in the last session, eight of ten players there at least half the time I was had >12% pre flop aggression). This means that folks spend money trying to push people off of pots. You have to be able to withstand that, as well as deal with the swings caused by these folks having the goods or getting there. There seems to be quite a significant table churn as well.