What are the latest trends in Full-stack Web Development?
Here are some of the latest trends that were gaining traction in Full-stack Web Development:
Serverless Architecture: Serverless architecture was becoming increasingly popular. It involves building applications without managing server infrastructure directly. Platforms like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions allow developers to run code in response to events without managing servers, which can lead to cost savings and simplified deployments.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs continued to gain popularity as they provide a hybrid approach between web applications and mobile apps. PWAs offer improved performance, offline capabilities, and a more app-like experience for users.
JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, Markup): JAMstack architecture emphasizes decoupling the front-end from the back-end, using JavaScript to handle dynamic content, APIs to fetch data, and static markup for pre-rendering content. JAMstack can result in faster, more secure, and highly scalable web applications.
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