¿Se puede detener la fusión del cartílago de crecimiento?

¿Cómo puedo detener o incluso revertir la edad edad osea para que los cartílagos de crecimiento no se cierren?

3 Respuestas


Querida Merary! Te aconsejo que ese tipo de preguntas lo las hagas en este tipo de foros sino a un doc. especialista en eso

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In general, once the growth plates in the bones have fused, it is not possible to reverse or stop this process through conventional methods. The fusion of growth plates typically occurs naturally during adolescence and early adulthood as part of normal skeletal development.

To address this process or explore potential treatments, it's essential to consult with a medical professional who specializes in endocrinology or orthopedics. They may be able to provide guidance based on your specific situation and discuss any available options.

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