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Puerta de marco en Block, que ancho debe tener el marco para colocarlo sin pre marco?
Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas
Decorar paredes de habitación principal
Adjunto plano de la habitación principal, entre el armario y la cama hay un cabezal a modo de separación, me gustaría poder decorar de alguna manera el espacio marcado en color verde, ya que la habitación está pintada en color blanco y veo demasiado...
8 respuestas
Why are experts needed in gutter installation?
Best Gutter installation in Nashville gives you the service so that you can easily remove the dirty water and sewage from your home and office. At present, many such service providers provide the service of gutter installation. But you need such...
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Tips to start designing websites?
There is no a definitive process to follow step by step when it comes to designing a website, because in reality each designer has their own way of designing and routine to follow and it works. The truth is that there are many steps that you must...
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Why do Agile teams need a product roadmap?
And may be know, ¿What purposes do product roadmaps serve for agile teams?
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The best music treading services
You have tremendous heaps of choices to propel your music on the web. On pure streaming stages, in any case, people will have even more of a "radio-style" listening experience. Think about Spotify and YouTube Music. Music is being played reliably. No...
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Regulators Considering A Ban On Play To Earn Games
Can a gaming company sustain its company, ¿Pay developers and the likes without a considerable source of income from the game? If gaming isn't rewarding, will there be huge adoption? , will people dedicate time and resources to something that is...
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Desmontar un aire acondicionado que ya no sirve
¿Descoles difícil desmontar un aire acondicionado que ya no sirve? No funciona más y no me interesa que funcione, tiene 20 años de vida y ya cumplió su ciclo. Quiero sacar solo la unidad interior.
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Las navidades en españa
Necesito una carta en inglés a un amigo extraterrestre, explicandole las navidades en españa. Y otra redacción en inglés sobre que le preguntarias a un antepasado, como si fuese una entrevista. Mi nivel de inglés es d 2 de bachiller
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Configuración Discoverer Plus
Tengo problemas a la hora de configurar Discoverer Plus y Viewer. Tengo instalado Oracle9iAS R2, en Win2000. No puedo acceder a través de Internet Explorer a Discoverer Plus, dice que no encuentra la página. Tampoco puedo acceder desde la página de...
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Whats the main difference between ReactJS and React Native?
In 2011, when Facebook ads were expanding and bringing in newer, exciting features, the engineering team realized that the constant updates were slowing down their progress. Content cascading changes and updates forced the developers to realign the...
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