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Fildena | High Quality ED Medicine
Men who want to beat erectile dysfunction are advised by a doctor to use a high quality medicine called fildena which is manufactured by a company called fortune healthcare. Only mygenerix.com remains the best to buy fildena because it provides...
4 respuestas
Is it still relevant to buy gold coins as an investment?
. ¿Is it still relevant to buy gold coins as an investment? Advise which precious metals are best to invest in Advise which precious metals are best to invest in Advise which precious metals are best to invest in Advise which precious metals are best...
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Give advice for the future nurse
I went to medical school as a nurse. Current nurses, give me some advice on what I should be prepared for and what to be afraid of in this thorny path
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What are the benefits of home health care?
¿What are the benefits of home health care? All healthcare is potentially beneficial. But healthcare really needs to be viewed as a whole. There are times when home healthcare is suitable and others where it isn’t. It should be viewed as one of the...
23 respuestas
Resistencia quemada en fuente ATX
Se trata de una fuente ATX 110v/220v 550W-PIV que no funcionaba, la he abierto y pude ver varios componentes dañados como filtros y 2 resistencias, de las cuales una estaba carbonizada y no se puede ver su valor y con el tester me marca 68 ohms, es...
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Tips to start designing websites?
There is no a definitive process to follow step by step when it comes to designing a website, because in reality each designer has their own way of designing and routine to follow and it works. The truth is that there are many steps that you must...
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How to Import EML Files to Outlook?
This post will describe you how to import EML files into Outlook. You will also get to know how to migrate numerous EML files from any email client. Here are four alternative options, together with their benefits and drawbacks. Users are instantly...
9 respuestas
Caldera immergas eolo star23kw fallo 02 y 11
Tengo una caldera eolo star 23kw. Me da 2 fallos Al principio el error 11, miré los conductos de extracción por si estaban obstruidos y he cambiado el presostato. Sigue dando el error 11 Además, antes de salir el error 11 aparece el 02. Sólo me sale...
1 respuesta
Autónomo - 303 solo con ingresos del extranjero
Normalmente trabajo con clientes españoles (con IVA) y sobre todo extranjeros (sin IVA), por lo que además del 303 presento el 130. Parece que este trimestre no tendré ingresos de clientes españoles, pero entiendo que tengo que presentar el 303 de...
3 respuestas
I adore gambling and I'm not ashamed
Hello guys. I'd like to admit that I love gambling. Earlier, I was ashamed to talk about it because my friends judged me for that. But when I started making money on it, I stopped being ashamed. Now I'm looking for some new interesting games. ¿What...
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