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How do you perform Change Data Capture when replicating Salesforce data?
A challenge that comes with using these cloud-based CRMs is in integrating them with the internal data systems and reporting modules that rely upon getting up to date data from the CRM.
7 respuestas
Does teeth whitening really work?
Whitening toothpaste can appear to whiten teeth slightly by removing surface stains, such as those caused by drinking coffee or smoking. However, whitening toothpastes can't change the natural color of your teeth or lighten a stain that goes deeper...
5 respuestas
¿Por qué se cambia la letra cuando copio en el Word definiciones del CD del diccionario de Oxford?
Esta es la 2ª pregunta que te hago. Soy profesora de Inglés. Trabajo con el Diccionario de Oxford en CD y a veces copiaba definiciones de palabras para mí misma o para el trabajo en mis clases. Siempre me salía la misma letra que aparece en el...
1 respuesta
How helpful could math online tutoring be?
So by writing on the same screen and talking, it would be almost like being there. And there are numerous advantages. You can tutor someone in another country, or even 10 miles away. And if someone needed 15 minutes of tutoring, that would be no...
10 respuestas
How use idiomas in a critical analysis essay
Starting the journey of composing a critical analysis essay might seem daunting, yet the guidance offered here serves as a beacon of clarity. The systematic method for deconstructing a piece for critical analysis, as demonstrated in the example on...
4 respuestas
Sirve el hidratante corporal para el rostro?
Compre un gel hidratante corporal marca Neutrogena que contiene ácido hialuronico. El problema es que no preste atención que era para el cuerpo. Mi intención era aplicarla en mi rostro, ¿La duda es si la puedo utilizar igual? Gasté dinero y quería...
2 respuestas
Online Casinos Can Catch and Grab You for KeepsWhile many people enjoy the thrill of playing casino games .
Online Casinos Can Catch and Grab You for Keeps While many people enjoy the thrill of playing casino games from the comfort of their own homes, it is important to remember that online casinos can catch and grab you for keeps. This is because of the...
24 respuestas
¿Cómo hacer qué vodafone me quite la permanencia?
Resulta que el día 2 de julio pedí la portabilidad de movistar a vodafone a través del 902535300 de la tienda on line de vodafone. A cambio me ofrecieron un Nokia con contrato de permanencia. El día 13 de julio me concedieron la portabilidad y aún no...
13 respuestas
Navigating the World of Dating: Advice for the Older Generation
Dating is a timeless pursuit that transcends age. Regardless of age or life stage, the desire for companionship, love, and connection remains. If you find yourself re-entering the dating scene in your later years, here are some valuable pieces of...
3 respuestas
A friend of mine was in a rehab center
A friend of mine was in a rehab center not too long ago and he had a very difficult time there. ¿Can you suggest any other places like that? I would like to find something a little bit better and with clear programs for rehabilitation. It is terrible...
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