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Mi ordenador mac no me reconoce mis discos duros externos ¿Qué puedo hacer?
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Mi novio es casado, pero se quiere divorciar
Desde hace una año conocí a mi novio, pero cuando lo conocí el ya estaba separado, él tiene una niña de 4 años, bueno según él se separo porque ya no quiere a su ex y dice que se caso con ella porque estaba embarazada, bueno se caso por el civil,...
2 respuestas
Hay posibilidad de obtener actualizar el software de mi móvil nokia 6210, tengo el cd original de nokia pero eso no funciona
Debido a conflictos que antes logré resolver actualizando el software de mi nokia antes era un 6510 ahora es el 6210 más avanzado y siempre me gusto este teléfono me gustaría saber si existe algún programa similar para actualizar que no ser el soft...
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Tips to start designing websites?
There is no a definitive process to follow step by step when it comes to designing a website, because in reality each designer has their own way of designing and routine to follow and it works. The truth is that there are many steps that you must...
17 respuestas
Otra redacción...
La verdad es que me estás siendo de gran ayuda, te agradecería si nuevamente pudieras echarle un vistazo a esta otra redacción. Mil gracias. In my opinion I consider that my lifestyle is healthy and I am fit. I usually do enough sport on week, for...
11 respuestas
How do I report a scam broker and get my money back or is that even possible?
Nothing is impossible. Yes you can report a scam broker and also get your money back with the help of a cyber forensic expert. A lot of victims out there lose their money to fake and fraudulent brokers almost on daily basis. Some victims are...
12 respuestas
No puedo abrir pdf editables con ningún navegador
Al abrir un documento directamente del correo, un pdf editable me sale la siguiente ventana y mensaje: Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this...
2 respuestas
How to import MBOX files into Outlook?
Are you trying to find the best software to Import MBOX files into Outlook? Then don't worry your search is ends here. You can use eSoftTools MBOX Converter Software for your problem. This tool will help you to import all MBOX files into your Outlook...
1 respuesta
What are the benefits of home health care?
¿What are the benefits of home health care? All healthcare is potentially beneficial. But healthcare really needs to be viewed as a whole. There are times when home healthcare is suitable and others where it isn’t. It should be viewed as one of the...
23 respuestas
What is actually VPS hosting
VPS is a more secure and stable solution than shared hosting where you don’t get a dedicated server space. However, it’s smaller-scale and cheaper than renting an entire server. VPS hosting is usually chosen by website owners who have medium-level...
2 respuestas
Quick and easy to use Company-wide Email Signatures
Sigsync provides centrally managed email signatures for all users. Use this web based email signature service to add Office 365 email signature directly to Outlook or server-side. Its intuitive and convenient HTML, dynamic drag & drop Signature...
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