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Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas
Is Python an easy language to learn?
You can start getting to recognize Python to get an offline or on line Python Course. But previously than you start examining python you have to have a bit of first-rate understanding about it. So, first of all I pick to grant you with small print...
14 respuestas
How much does mobile application development cost in general for a business app?
In general, the mobile app development cost would be varied by the company and the development process you are going to select for your business
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Has anyone ever given someone a job because they sent a thank you email after an interview?
After an on-site interview, the recruiter contacted me over e-mail of the rejection (for a fresh grad software engineering position). I replied with a brief e-mail noting that I would have loved to work at the company because of the interesting work,...
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Help with an English exercise of redaction
Necesito estudiar ingles y la verdad es que no tengo mucho dinero ni tiempo para hacerlo entonces tengo que estudiar por mis propios medios. Mi duda es la siguiente: I made an small redaction about football, but I think it has some mistakes. I will...
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How to choose the best betting platform?
Hi! Who knows what rules I should follow when choosing an excellent betting site. Who knows where to look? I will be glad of good recommendations!
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I adore gambling and I'm not ashamed
Hello guys. I'd like to admit that I love gambling. Earlier, I was ashamed to talk about it because my friends judged me for that. But when I started making money on it, I stopped being ashamed. Now I'm looking for some new interesting games. ¿What...
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Tengo 13 años mido 1.69 hago deporte sobretodo el fútbol y ejercicio 3 a 5 días a las semana ¿Hasta que estatura llegare?
Tengo 13 años mido 1.69 hago deporte sobretodo el fútbol y ejercicio 3 a 5 días a la semana mi papá mide 1.75 y mi mamá 1.65 ¿Hasta qué estatura llegare?
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My friend has a cointra essential 24e combination boiler , when the taps are on the water goes very hot then cold constantly ?
Cointra essential 24e combi boiler running hot and cold through the hot tap when hot is turned on any ideas please
25 respuestas
What are the best, short hair styles?
First of all, healthy beautiful hair is in fashion in every season, so after the winter cold, you should slightly strengthen your hair, revive and “feed” with masks, and after rushing to the salon to make a new trendy haircut.
17 respuestas
Best Office 365 email Signature software
An email signature is the best way to brand every email you send. It is greatly useful for small business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs to raise their personal brand alongside their company and as they are sending mass amounts of emails....
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