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Tengo 19 años y ya voy para los 20, tengo posibilidades de ser jugador profesional?
Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas
He encontrado un objeto de piedra,como puedo saber si es algo de otro siglo?
Es una piedra (no se de qué mineral estará hecho) con orificios y bordes redondeados
3 respuestas
What is the best way to meet a prospective wife these days, online, bars, etc?
I'm sorry but the type of women you are likely to meet at bars or online are most likely not the relationship type. This is not always the case either. I would say at least in a bar they look they way they say and you know they are really a woman and...
11 respuestas
How to get backup from Gmail accounts.
I want to get the backup of my Gmails accounts. I have 3-4 gmails accounts, and I want to close my 2 gmails accounts, It's unable to handle. But don't know how to get backup of Gmails. If anyone has the idea, please share.
16 respuestas
What are easy methods for Epson wireless printer setup?
I worry more about the wireless connection setup. I want to connect my Epson printer to the wireless network. I don’t have ideas how to establish an Epson printer wirelessly without the technician help. Setting up Epson wireless printer is not an...
12 respuestas
Guardar mails de hotmail
Soy un $%&/( usuario de hotmail y ya tengo lleno mi buzón pero quisiera saber como guardar esos mails en MI DISCO DURO no en una carpeta de hotmail. ¿Alguien sabe como?
5 respuestas
Enviar mail varias pers forms design 6i
Necesito enviar email a varias personas con attch desde forms designer 6i, pero tengo el caso de que no esta presente la libreria de UTL_SMTP, por lo que todo lo anterior no me sirve, y lo que he encontrado no me muestra como poder cargar un archivo...
2 respuestas
I'm unable to migrate my EML files, to another account.
I have many EML files and wants to migrate all of them into another account, but having lots of attachments with them, and don't want to lose my data. So, If anyone has the solution please share. Thanks in advanced.
5 respuestas
How to install GoLogin Free 2024?
GoLogin Antidetect Browser Lifetime is its sophisticated anti-fingerprint technology. The tool generates unique digital fingerprints for each profile, including IP addresses, browser settings, and other system attributes. This prevents websites and...
8 respuestas
Buy vilitra tablet online at primedz [18%off today]
Vilitra is a drug that men use to cure their impotence. The drug is taken orally. This drug is considered a PDE-5 inhibitor. This medication improves the problem of your erectile dysfunction. If you are taking this medicine for the first time, you...
3 respuestas
Our floors tendency forecast is shaped from the drastic rework in only how all of us stay,
Our floors tendency forecast is shaped from the drastic rework in only how all of us stay, paintings further to play withinside the precise wake of usually the pandemic; sturdy purchaser shifts closer to healthful and balanced, low-tox houses; or...
6 respuestas
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