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Stages of working on an essay
If you find it difficult to start writing an essay, you can listen to our advice. It is possible that they will be useful for you in practice. Start writing an essay by taking apart the essence of the issue, try to form your own opinion about it. The...
18 respuestas
What is call center in 2022 | kingasterisk | software System.
The KingAsterisk Technologies Callcenter can handle huge amount of inbound and outbound traffic, in a secure, reliable way. The KingAsterisk callcenter combines maximum efficiency with easy to use and intuitive interfaces. Separate campaigns can be...
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Convertir php a apk para Android
Se puede convertir una aplicación PHP en .APK para android tablet, si existe y alguien sabe algo espero sus respuestas.
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Alguien me podria ayudar a traducir esta carta
Hello, my dear one, First, I thank you for your reply to my e-mail, in accordance with the report that I sent to you. How is your night in your country, ¿I believe that if you have a pleasant evening and there arthmosphere that your country is very...
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Visitemos los museos, por lo menos virtualmente
Los museos están cerrados, pero ¿Por qué no los visitamos por lo menos virtualmente? Están haciendo cosas muy interesantes, se ve que son creativos.
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A good product like CBD or something like that
I don’t know what’s happening to me at the current time, but I’m really exhausted from lack of sleep. I have insomnia that annoys me a lot, so advise me a cool product that can help to relax and forget about this physical problems
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Scripts internos de películas
Estoy con una película (A) que tiene otra película dentro(B, link to a external file), esta película B tiene scrpts y yo le tengo activada la casilla enabled scripts al miembro del cast de la película A. Lo que quiero es que al entrar en un elemento...
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Regulators Considering A Ban On Play To Earn Games
Can a gaming company sustain its company, ¿Pay developers and the likes without a considerable source of income from the game? If gaming isn't rewarding, will there be huge adoption? , will people dedicate time and resources to something that is...
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Has anyone ever given someone a job because they sent a thank you email after an interview?
After an on-site interview, the recruiter contacted me over e-mail of the rejection (for a fresh grad software engineering position). I replied with a brief e-mail noting that I would have loved to work at the company because of the interesting work,...
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¿Cuándo tienes relaciones dejas de crecer?
Me comentaron que si nosotras las mujeres tenemos relacionessexuales a temprana edad dejamos de crecer, yo tuve relaciones si penetración a los 14 años y con penetración 2 meses después de cumplir los 15, esto me va a afectar a futuro, ¿O dejare de...
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