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Controversias para la Subida IPT Cualificada para 2024.
Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas
Where to find papers writings help?
When it comes to papers writings, it's important to prioritize quality over quantity. Rushing through assignments and simply trying to get them done can lead to subpar work that doesn't meet the expectations of your teachers or professors. Taking the...
18 respuestas
Incapacidad permanente total con discapacidad
Antes tenía una discapacidad del 65% y cobraba la pensión no contributiva, y ahora me han concedido la incapacidad permanente total. Y claro me han quitado la no contributiva. He preguntado en la seguridad social y me han dicho que no tengo ninguna...
1 respuesta
EDB Recovery Software to Recover corrupt EDB File
EdbMails Exchange recovery will analyze the Exchange EDB file corruption issues and recover data from inaccessible Exchange EDB file. It's the best software for recovering and converting EDB file to PST File. EdbMails can recover damaged, corrupted...
11 respuestas
What do you think about astrology?
I have just started delving into the world of astrology and would be interested to hear your thoughts on this matter. ¿What do you think makes astrology so amazing? Do you have any recommendations for learning astrology for beginners? Also, if you...
2 respuestas
Envío de bitcoins a otra persona no llega todo debido a altas comisiones.
Recientemente he efectuado unos envíos de bitcoins a otras personas con el objetivo de que me prestaran un servicio, no obstante, he observado que enviando 150 dólares en bitcoins sólo recibió 80 dólares, por lo que 70 dólares "se perdieron" al hacer...
3 respuestas
Texto a traducir
Te mando el texto: Wild swans staring from june 1966 there was no schooling. No school meant no control. But what could we do with our freedom? There were virtually no books, no music, no films, no theatre, no museums, no teahouses, almost no way of...
4 respuestas
¿Como quitar humedad del horno?
Desde hace unos días al encender el horno salta el diferencial, nada más ponerlo o justo después. Creo que es debido al vapor que se creó al usarlo la última vez. ¿Cómo se podría secar esa humedad?
8 respuestas
Face Care: Importance of a Good Night's Sleep
A good night's sleep is important for your overall health and can have a significant impact on your appearance. Getting enough sleep can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress, and improve your mood. While you sleep, your body repair...
4 respuestas
Me podrias corregir esta redaccion
Young people drink during weekends because they think it is going to spend more as they become more sociable, have no shame (but the abuse is because otherwise may end up in a coma or even dead). Also because most want to appear to be higher, like...
8 respuestas
What are the differrence between trust and foundations service?
¿I want to get the difference between Trust service and Foundation Service in the United Kingdom?
1 respuesta
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