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Campos Calculados en DataObjects
Necesitamos asesorìa ya que tenemos problemas al exportar la informaciòn de un dataobject a Excel, y el problema es que en el DataObject existen campos tipo "compute" y èstos mandan llamar una funciòn global, el problema es que estos campos no me los...
2 respuestas
How do you get an ulzzang look?
Enlarge eyes contact lenses (choose in natural selection, material needs to be silicone Hydrogel, and yearly disposable)then you will need some basic (pink blush, lengthening mascara, eyelash curler, eyeshadow that mainly consist of pink and brown...
7 respuestas
Where can I find the Shopify premium theme for free?
After using a lot of different themes and not getting better results, I finally found debutify. I have been using it for a while now and the experience is amazing. It has these cool add-ons which are inexpensive. Their amazing support team is always...
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Vidalista 20 Online Sell For ED Treatment
Vidalista 20 mg is used in men and it relieves symptoms of inability to receive or maintain arousal. It contains a chemical called tadalafil. For tadalafil to be effective, sexual arousal is needed. The online website is available in different doses...
6 respuestas
What are magic mushrooms and what are their advantages for health
Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic chemical in certain mushrooms that grow in Europe, South America, Mexico, and the United States. Mushrooms that contain psilocybin are known as magic mushrooms. Individuals use psilocybin as a recreational drug. It can...
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Me podrían pasar el texto en tercera persona en ingles
My name is jack Willis but my nickname is lucky. I live in Bolton. I live in a small house near the river. I love sports. I go jogging every day. I go to the gym on mondays and wednesday. On fridays I swim at school. I play rugby with the school team...
3 respuestas
Which video editing software would you recommend for beginners?
Maybe, you want to use software that gives you great results and that is easy to use.. In that case, there is no right or wrong answer. Most video editing software will edit video, allow titles and effects and allow you to export your project..
2 respuestas
¿Cómo puedo regular esta ventana?
Tengo una ventana que pega en algún sitio, yo creo que es abajo, pero no descarto que sea en un costado. ¿Podéis decirme como se regula en altura para subirla un poco y evitar que roce al abrir y cerrar?
2 respuestas
¿Qué alternativa hay para lo que era Magisterio en Educación Especial?
Estoy pensando en volver a estudiar, y me había interesado lo que antes era Magisterio en Educación Especial pero he visto que esta carrera ya no existe, ahora sólo hay Educación Infantil y Primaria. Si quiero dedicarme a temas de niños con...
8 respuestas
Is lymphoma painful in the neck?
Yes it can. The chance of cure depends on the type of lymphoma and patient factors such as age and co-morbid conditions (so the chemo/radiotherapy doesn’t kill you first). Vitamin B17 ( VITADALIN B17) an anti cancer vitamin supplement is available in...
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