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¿Es riesgoso subir docs para convertir a PDF online si tienen datos privados?
Muchas veces uso la web pdf a doc, y cosas similares ONLINE, para convertir formatos, pero me pregunto si eso "se queda por ahí" o si al contrario, es seguro. Ya sé, ya sé que una vez subes algo a internet sin enncriptar..."vuela", pero en fin, si...
7 respuestas
How do I report a scam broker and get my money back or is that even possible?
Nothing is impossible. Yes you can report a scam broker and also get your money back with the help of a cyber forensic expert. A lot of victims out there lose their money to fake and fraudulent brokers almost on daily basis. Some victims are...
12 respuestas
Node.js Vs. Java: Choosing Perfect Technology
When it comes to performance, Node.js is often the better option. Node.js is more lightweight than Java, which means it can handle more requests per second than Java. Node.js is also more memory efficient, making it the best option for businesses...
10 respuestas
Como determinar las fracciones parciales y presiones parciales
Se tiene un recipiente rígido que contiene 100mol de Nitrógeno y 70mol de oxigeno la mezcla esta contenida en 0.7 m³ a 5 bar de presión y 495K de temperatura. Determine, la presión dentro del sistema. Las fracciones parciales y las presiones parciales.
3 respuestas
Agradezco correcciones de past perfect.
Agradezco su colaboración la corrección en la redacción de las siguiente información en past perfect. Gracias 1. Python was created because java had had an appropriate code for its base. 2. Python was created for the Amoeba Operating System when the...
2 respuestas
La podrias traducir?
Bueno aki t dejo la cancion: Do I remind you of the pain That he put you through, girl Is that the reason I'm to blame Before I do it... Is it because he, treated you badly I always stand accused Protecting yourself, from somebody else I'm not who's...
4 respuestas
Saunier Duval Themis 23 me little hot water
My boiler only produces hot water in 15 second bursts. On calling for hot water the burner lights and will stay lit for 15 seconds, if during this time I shut off the faucet briefly I can get a further 15 seconds. By doing this repeatedly I can get...
4 respuestas
¿Is it good to place plants on the terrace facing south and southeast?
Hello my terrace is facing south on the left and south west on the right and I have a lot of plants but I always have the doubt if I'm doing it wrong. Please if you can help me thank you.
3 respuestas
What should I ask in 30 questions?Avaya Phone Systems
Avaya Phone Systems provide business-grade IP communications, hosted messaging, and collaboration. Get everything you need to deliver a seamless telephone experience at every step of your customer lifecycle. Avaya phone systems are perfect for a...
4 respuestas
Como hacer para que mi novio vuelva a ser el mismo de antes
Les diré algo breve de lo que esta pasando espero me puedan ayudar, resulta que mi novio yo hemos tenido varios problemas por cosas como celos mensajes encontrados y cosas así, antes el era mas cariñoso yo me enojaba o me veía triste y siempre estaba...
10 respuestas
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