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Controversias para la Subida IPT Cualificada para 2024.
Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas
¿Is it difficult for you to desing websites?
My boyfriend is a computer scientist, but there is one job that he himself has repeatedly told me that he hates to do, is to design a website. When he got a job a week ago, he didn't have much idea what it would be about and what he would have to do,...
15 respuestas
Reasons Why You Need a Moving Services Agency
There are many reasons why you should consider using a moving services agency for your next move. Here are just a few of the reasons why: 1. They can save you time and energy. Moving is already a challenging and time-consuming process. ¿Why make it...
7 respuestas
Online casino, Guys, tell me where I can profitably play slots to win at least small amounts of money?
Friends, ¿Tell me where I can try playing slots so as not to risk money and just get to know the game?
14 respuestas
What do I need for ice fishing?
First thing you need, is a place to fish and a way to get there, it's always a good idea to have a buddy, or more go with you, like everything else, safety first.
6 respuestas
¿Cuál es la cuantía de pensión de orfandad?
Mi padre acaba de fallecer y yo tengo 86% de discapacidad. Como ingresos una PNC de 601€ por tener reconocido grado II de dependencia. La pensión de mi padre era aprox 1300€ al mes. ¿Puedo acceder a una pensión de orfandad y cual seria la cuantía...
1 respuesta
How do you perform Change Data Capture when replicating Salesforce data?
A challenge that comes with using these cloud-based CRMs is in integrating them with the internal data systems and reporting modules that rely upon getting up to date data from the CRM.
7 respuestas
How Can You Have 2 Cash App Accounts Though A Personal Account Is Also Set Up?
For security reasons, Cash App doesn’t allow users to use a common bank account between your personal and business accounts. So, if you would like to do the same, the only condition is you must have two different mobile numbers, email address and...
10 respuestas
TODOS los HP Pavilion Gaming - problemas con Windows 10
Adquirí un PC HP PAVILION GAMING 690-006ns. A las dos semanas y tras haberlo actualizado (Windows10) y la BIOS desde HP Support Assisten (es decir en sitio oficial, con el programa instalado) y habiendo pasado dos o tres días, encendía pero no se...
5 respuestas
¿Embargo de cuenta bancaria o nómina?
Soy funcionario y actualmente cobro sobre unos 1600 euros al mes, tengo unos prestamos personales que he dejado de pagar por motivos personales, voy pagándolos como puedo pero hay algunos que llevo hasta 6 meses sin pagar y me imagino que algún mes...
5 respuestas
Traducir este tema
You`ll never be alone The world is changing And time is spinning fast It's so amazing how you came into my life I know it seems all hope is gone I know you feel you can't be strong and once again the story ends with you and I And anytime you feel...
2 respuestas
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