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How to start a business - a few rules of success
There are several rules that will tell you how to start your business from scratch: Explore your capabilities and analyze the market; Chat with experienced entrepreneurs and take note of their recommendations; Do not start a business with funds set...
10 respuestas
Why Fintech is attracting so much attention from investors?
In recent years, financial technology, or "fintech" has become one of the hottest sectors in the tech world, attracting billions of dollars in investment from some of the biggest names in the business. There are a number of reasons why fintech is so...
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Most Effective Strategies for Selling CSGO Skins:
Most Effective Strategies for Selling CSGO Skins: Selling CSGO skins can be a lucrative business for those who know the best strategies for doing so. With the right tactics, you can make a good profit from the sale of CSGO skins. In this article, we...
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Online casino, Guys, tell me where I can profitably play slots to win at least small amounts of money?
Friends, ¿Tell me where I can try playing slots so as not to risk money and just get to know the game?
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Macro insertar hoja con nombre
Dr. Por favor su experiencia y grandes conocimientos podrán ayudarme lo tengo claro, mira te explico me es necesario contar con una macro que me inserte una hoja nueva en la hoja activada, esta hoja nueva siempre tendrá el nombre de "BD", es decir me...
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¿Qué es un Productor?
¿Qué es o que hace el productor cinematográfico? ¿En resumidas cuentas cual es la realcion con el equipo de dirección? ¿Y por ultimo que hace el equipo de fotografía de un Film?
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I need good Dating site, pls
Hello! Where can I find a site with real people for flirting and pleasant communication? I just want to get a good mood from communicating with cute attractive people.
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Configuración Discoverer Plus
Tengo problemas a la hora de configurar Discoverer Plus y Viewer. Tengo instalado Oracle9iAS R2, en Win2000. No puedo acceder a través de Internet Explorer a Discoverer Plus, dice que no encuentra la página. Tampoco puedo acceder desde la página de...
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Traducción Canción Barry White
Sé que alguien realizó esta consulta, pero he sido incapaz de encontrar la traducción. Os rogaría me traduzcais esta magnifica canción de Barry White, que no consigo la letra ni p'atrás!. Mil gracias por adelantado: Just the way you are Don't go...
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Could someone correct me the following review ?
Music moguls: Masters of pop. 1.Money makers. BBC Four, January 15th 2016. 60 minutes Nowadays, artists such as Justin Bieber or Adele are playing daily in the charts. However, not only their talent is important, but also how they manage their...
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