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¿Uso de fluoxetina para bajar de peso?
Pasa que tengo 24 años y sobrepeso me recomendaron que usara fluoxetina para disminuir mi peso por que recurro a la comida cuando me preocupo o tengo cosas que pensar, mi duda es que se dice que el que usa fluoxetina termina con depresión leve o grave...
6 respuestas
Cloud Managed Services Market Size, Key Player Revenue, SWOT, PEST & Porter’s Analysis For 2023–2032
The report provides an in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape, along with company profiling of key players involved in the global Cloud Managed Services market drivers and restraints market. The authors of the report make sure to equip...
1 respuesta
Si mido1, 71tengo 14 años, hago baloncesto y fútbol, ¿Cuánto voy a medir?
Estoy interesado en saberlo, mi padre mide 1,78 mi hermano 1,75 mi madre 1,60 mi abuelo de parte de mi padre 1,83 mi abuelo de parte de mi madre 1,85 mi abuela de parte de mi madre 1,50 mi abuela de parte de mi madre 1,78 mi tío 1,80, me dicen que...
14 respuestas
Abrir un documento word directamente
Como puedo abrir un documento word desde otra aplicacion. Existe alguna manera de pasarle a Word un parametetro, ¿Para cambiar una parte del documento con el parametro pasado?
2 respuestas
Tengo un pc promedio y cuando abro minecraft se me bajan los fps
¿Es posible que me puedan ayuda? :C les cuento mi pc tenia una gt 1030, un amd a8-9600 y 8 de ram yo tenia el minecraft por ahi de 8 o 9 mods y shaders y me iba full me iba de 100 a 120 fps y ahora cambie pero aveces se pegaba el minecraft no me baja...
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Here are The Top 5 World’s Richest Actors with net worth
People always love to watch movies and their favorite actors. This entertainment industry has given many successful actors on the basis of their talent. There are many factors that are responsible for a successful actor. The pay scale of the actors...
5 respuestas
Forms Builder, no consigo depurar
He instalado la "Base de Datos oracle 9i" y también he instalado "Oracle 9i Developer" en un directorio diferente (no me dejaba instalarlo en el mismo directorio). Arranco Forms Builder, doy a depurar. Me pregunta que si antes de depurar quiero...
1 respuesta
Alright, I need a new M4A4 skin that’s gonna turn heads.
Alright, I need a new M4A4 skin that’s gonna turn heads. Something that stands out, but isn’t too over-the-top. ¿Suggestions? Alright, I need a new m4a4 skin that’s gonna turn heads. Something that stands out, but isn’t too over-the-top....
2 respuestas
Football prices, half-balls, merging two, betting on football with techniques to see online football prices for profit
Sbo is a website that offers various types of online sports betting. Whether it's betting on football, tennis, baseball or basketball. There are all options to play. Only not enough We also provide casino games for you to play fully. The system...
4 respuestas
I have noticed that recently some football clubs have started to sign contracts with sponsors
Hi guys, ¿Are there any football fans here who follow the industry? I have noticed that recently some football clubs have started to sign contracts with sponsors that are completely unrelated to sports. I recently learned about a new sponsor of a...
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