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¿Compo paso este texto en pasado a presente en ingles?
Martin had a terrible day yesterday. It was the day of his vacation to Spain but it was a nightmare. He left the house at 10 o'clock in the morning and caught a taxi to the airport. Martin went to the check-in with his luggage. When the man who...
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Which Blood pressure monitor should I buy doc? I hope it won’t cost too much
Home BP monitors - reassuringly cheap and accurate ¿Which Blood pressure monitor should I buy doc? I hope it won’t cost too much…I’m sure all of us will have had this, or a variation of this question from patients over the past few years. There had...
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What kind of registration or license is required for an online business in Dubai, UAE?
An online business is just like every other business. In Dubai - every business needs a license. Let's assume that if you are an eCommerce website and you are selling physical products, but you are not stocking anything. You are depending on your...
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Who gambles? What can you say about gambling?
Always choose a casino among those licensed to certify the software, as well as the website that is more generous in paying bonuses for registration. See the list of casinos that spend the largest bonuses without making a deposit Blackjack online ....
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¿Cómo se organiza una videoconferencia?
Me gustaría saber que puntos debo tener en cuanta al momento de organizar una video conferencia
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Caldera immergas eolo star23kw fallo 02 y 11
Tengo una caldera eolo star 23kw. Me da 2 fallos Al principio el error 11, miré los conductos de extracción por si estaban obstruidos y he cambiado el presostato. Sigue dando el error 11 Además, antes de salir el error 11 aparece el 02. Sólo me sale...
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Reasons Why You Need a Moving Services Agency
There are many reasons why you should consider using a moving services agency for your next move. Here are just a few of the reasons why: 1. They can save you time and energy. Moving is already a challenging and time-consuming process. ¿Why make it...
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Recuperar archivos .PST
Tengo una gran problema y espero me pueda ayudar. Lo que pasa es que después de ejecutar el ScanPST se borraron los correos que tenia la carpeta pst donde se archivaban varios correos ya que no los dejaba en el inbox o en alguna de sus carpetas, y me...
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ALguien me podria traducir este tema
Heavy On My Heart I try to fly away but it's impossible And every breath I take gives birth to deeper sighs And for a moment I am weak So it's hard for me to speak Even though we're underneath the same blue sky If I could paint a picture of this...
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