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Sobre balance Dinámico
Soy tecnico mecanico de helicópteros, recibi capacitación para realizar trabajos de balance dinámico con el equipo 8500C de Chadwick, tambien una breve y digamos concisa explicación del porque, tengo claro que en todo lo que gira hay dos componentes:...
2 respuestas
Tengo el cabello muy seco, ¿Cómo lo arreglo?
La cuestión es que desde los 13 (actualmente tengo 15) vengo mirando cambios en mi cabello, tal vez es por la pubertad o simplemente descuidado; mi pelo ahora esta muy esponjoso, quebradizo y seco, no se que pasa; he tratado de buscar como repararlo...
5 respuestas
How to Import EML Files to Outlook?
This post will describe you how to import EML files into Outlook. You will also get to know how to migrate numerous EML files from any email client. Here are four alternative options, together with their benefits and drawbacks. Users are instantly...
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Hi all, can you tell me how you where downloading videos from tiktok without the watermark.
Hi all, can you tell me how you where downloading videos from tiktok without the watermark. I need to find out right now, the video needs to be downloaded as fast as possible for my tiktok compilation . You want to tell you that I'm having a really...
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¿Is it good to place plants on the terrace facing south and southeast?
Hello my terrace is facing south on the left and south west on the right and I have a lot of plants but I always have the doubt if I'm doing it wrong. Please if you can help me thank you.
3 respuestas
La podrias traducir?
Bueno aki t dejo la cancion: Do I remind you of the pain That he put you through, girl Is that the reason I'm to blame Before I do it... Is it because he, treated you badly I always stand accused Protecting yourself, from somebody else I'm not who's...
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When playing in a freeroll poker tournament,
When playing in a freeroll poker tournament, players can expect to find a wide variety of opponents with a wide range of skill levels. Some players may be very experienced and aggressive, while others may be complete beginners. The important thing is...
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I'm unable to migrate my EML files, to another account.
I have many EML files and wants to migrate all of them into another account, but having lots of attachments with them, and don't want to lose my data. So, If anyone has the solution please share. Thanks in advanced.
5 respuestas
Inglés, tercera persona
Mi nivel de ingles no es malo del todo, y se que la duda que tengo es super fácil, pues no se hacerlo, no lo entiendo ja ja. Tengo que escribir este texto en tercera persona. Por ejemplo la frase we live in England no se como seria. Con que me...
7 respuestas
Traducción Canción Barry White
Sé que alguien realizó esta consulta, pero he sido incapaz de encontrar la traducción. Os rogaría me traduzcais esta magnifica canción de Barry White, que no consigo la letra ni p'atrás!. Mil gracias por adelantado: Just the way you are Don't go...
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