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Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas
Direccion dura en caliente
Tengo un hyundai terracan. Cuando el motor está caliente la dirección se pone muy dura. ¿Alguien saba a que se puede deber? Al arrancar la dirección es muy suave pero a medida que el coche adquiere temperatura se pone muy dura
12 respuestas
I really want to have a new love
You know, it’s so sad to see that many people around me are in couple, but I’m not. When almost everyone has a partner, I also have a goal to find somebody for myself. Therefore, if you have got any idea about the best dating site, share with me, please.
10 respuestas
Significado símbolo plano vivienda
En el plano de mi pequeño piso hay muchos huecos que corresponden a columnas del aire acondicionado, a bajantes (los círculos) y ventilaciones (los rectángulos partidos), Pero hay uno al lado del termo que sale un símbolo de vacío (un circulo con una...
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Temperatura de los caños de un aire acondicionado
He comprado un equipo tipo split de 12000 btu de sólo frío totalmente nuevo y he notado que en la unidad exterior los dos tubos siempre están frios y el más grueso en las noches se congela, quisiera saber si esto indica algún problema pues el que...
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What should I do? Can you help me?
Hello. I am a Lisbian and I have grief, I broke up with my girlfriend. Someone will help me with advice? As now girls meet on the Internet, these are such unusual acquaintances. Where can I find the same girls with a lonely heart?
9 respuestas
Having spent so long abroad Nakata has not found adapting ?
Having spent so long abroad Nakata has not found adapting to a new country and langauge a problem although admits, "My Italian is of course still better than my English having spent seven years over there!" The elegant playmaker, who turns 29 later...
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Ten Reasons Why You Should Own a Silk Robe
Any man's wardrobe would be incomplete without a silk robe. Not only are they incredibly stylish and luxurious, but they also have several practical benefits. Here are ten reasons why every man should own a silk robe: Strong and durable: Despite...
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How do I find a loan online in the philippines?
The loan cannot be closed directly by creating the outstanding amount as some steps are supposed to be carries out prior to closure. The closure amount changes on a daily basis .Hence I suggest you contact your branch loan department via mail / call...
6 respuestas
Que puedo hacer para que mi gatito desnutrido coma?
Mi gatito tiene un me de nacido y no quiere comer la leche de su madre y por más que se le da leche suplementaria la escupe y solo se la pasa durmiendo y me preocupa no se que puedo hacer por el
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What are the best moving companies in NYC?
There are many moving companies in New York City that offer a variety of services. It is important to do your research and choose a reputable company that will be able to handle your specific needs.
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