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¿Compo paso este texto en pasado a presente en ingles?
Martin had a terrible day yesterday. It was the day of his vacation to Spain but it was a nightmare. He left the house at 10 o'clock in the morning and caught a taxi to the airport. Martin went to the check-in with his luggage. When the man who...
1 respuesta
Las navidades en españa
Necesito una carta en inglés a un amigo extraterrestre, explicandole las navidades en españa. Y otra redacción en inglés sobre que le preguntarias a un antepasado, como si fuese una entrevista. Mi nivel de inglés es d 2 de bachiller
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El Árbol de las Hojas Rosas
Es una película de los 80 que se llamaba así. Si alguien la conoce y sabe su titulo en inglés.
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Configurar impresora con repetidor wifi
Me compre una impresora wifi, que donde la tengo puesta no consigo escanear. Si que imprimo y fotocopio, pero al escanear me da error y no lo consigo. Me compre un repetidor wifi, que he instalado, y la señal wifi me llega al 100% en la habitación...
13 respuestas
Role of fintech in the future of investing
¿What is fintech? Fintech is a term used to describe the intersection of financial services and technology. In its simplest form, fintech can be used to describe any technological innovation that is used to provide financial services.Fintech is a...
6 respuestas
How do I find a good construction contractor for a home renovation project?
Interested in the uk area. Building a home will be a great investment and dream of their life for most of the people. It is really important to choose the best building contractor for this work. Choosing the right, trustworthy professional contractor...
18 respuestas
Buy vilitra tablet online at primedz [18%off today]
Vilitra is a drug that men use to cure their impotence. The drug is taken orally. This drug is considered a PDE-5 inhibitor. This medication improves the problem of your erectile dysfunction. If you are taking this medicine for the first time, you...
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Duda sobre la aplicación de vacuna de la rabia a perro pichón maltés
Tengo un bichon maltés ahora acaba de cumplir 7 meses ya tiene sus desparacitaciones, ¿Pero tengo una duda no se si ya es tiempo de la vacuna de la rabia o es cuando cumpla el año?
9 respuestas
I adore gambling and I'm not ashamed
Hello guys. I'd like to admit that I love gambling. Earlier, I was ashamed to talk about it because my friends judged me for that. But when I started making money on it, I stopped being ashamed. Now I'm looking for some new interesting games. ¿What...
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I really want to have a new love
You know, it’s so sad to see that many people around me are in couple, but I’m not. When almost everyone has a partner, I also have a goal to find somebody for myself. Therefore, if you have got any idea about the best dating site, share with me, please.
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