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The Improvement connected with Mobile Platforms
For entrepreneurs, certainly, strategy and tactics are usually fairly similar words, nevertheless they arrive with their personal distinctions, as well. Some sort out of technique can turn out to be defined since a good strategy of action designed to...
7 respuestas
What is the most professional haircut for men for work?
Some gents look great with facial hair, even just a dab just under their bottom lip Haircuts have come a long way for the fella. I think if they have hair, don’t shave the sides off and have a long flap of Hitler hair. No talent in that look. So...
6 respuestas
Get acquainted with the game Minecraft
I want to get acquainted with the game Minecraft. I want to hear from you where to start, what to look for and what to use? I would appreciate advice with specific links to articles or sites.
23 respuestas
Grosor del pene Es de 11 cm
El grosor de mi pene Es de 11 cm Es buena medida para satisfacer a una mujer o Es muy Delgado por cierto mide 4 cm de ancho y 16 de largo pero más me interesa saber el grosor Si no es muy Delgado gracias espero respuesta
24 respuestas
What is the best way to meet a prospective wife these days, online, bars, etc?
I'm sorry but the type of women you are likely to meet at bars or online are most likely not the relationship type. This is not always the case either. I would say at least in a bar they look they way they say and you know they are really a woman and...
12 respuestas
Problema ducha
Tengo un problema que creo tiene difícil solución, a ver que opinas. Resulta que tenia un atasco en el plato de la ducha y después de echarle de todo ( lejía etc etc) y demás vi que no se desatascaba de ahí que decidí quitar la rejilla para poder...
1 respuesta
¿Is it difficult for you to desing websites?
My boyfriend is a computer scientist, but there is one job that he himself has repeatedly told me that he hates to do, is to design a website. When he got a job a week ago, he didn't have much idea what it would be about and what he would have to do,...
15 respuestas
Hi all, can you tell me how you where downloading videos from tiktok without the watermark.
Hi all, can you tell me how you where downloading videos from tiktok without the watermark. I need to find out right now, the video needs to be downloaded as fast as possible for my tiktok compilation . You want to tell you that I'm having a really...
8 respuestas
Give advice for the future nurse
I went to medical school as a nurse. Current nurses, give me some advice on what I should be prepared for and what to be afraid of in this thorny path
4 respuestas
Cómo saber si mi ducha tiene sifón independiente
Acabo de terminar la reforma de mi cuarto de baño. Inicialmente había pedido un plato de ducha a ras del suelo, pero mi contratista me indicó que no era posible por falta de pendiente, así que me colocaron el plato con una elevación de aprox. 8 cm...
2 respuestas
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