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Fórmula de la keratina para el cabello?
¿Alguien me puede ayudar con la fórmula de la keratina para el cabello?
7 respuestas
Deseo saber si existe la posibilidad de esconder la barra de direcciones del explorer que abre esta función, es decir, estoy utilizando el Web. Show_Document desde forms 6i para abrir un reporte en la web, pero resulta que explorer que abre esta...
36 respuestas
How to get backup from Gmail accounts.
I want to get the backup of my Gmails accounts. I have 3-4 gmails accounts, and I want to close my 2 gmails accounts, It's unable to handle. But don't know how to get backup of Gmails. If anyone has the idea, please share.
16 respuestas
Help with an English exercise of redaction
Necesito estudiar ingles y la verdad es que no tengo mucho dinero ni tiempo para hacerlo entonces tengo que estudiar por mis propios medios. Mi duda es la siguiente: I made an small redaction about football, but I think it has some mistakes. I will...
12 respuestas
Alguien me podria ayudar a traducir esta carta
Hello, my dear one, First, I thank you for your reply to my e-mail, in accordance with the report that I sent to you. How is your night in your country, ¿I believe that if you have a pleasant evening and there arthmosphere that your country is very...
53 respuestas
A desire to have a new love
You know, it’s so sad to see that many people around me are in couple, but I’m not. When almost everyone has a partner, I also have a goal to find somebody for myself. Therefore, if you have got any idea about the best dating site, share with me, please
6 respuestas
CAD drafting services and embedded software development services
Embedded software development services are advancing quickly now. Being essential for independent frameworks prior, presently it stretches out to web, cloud, and portable. These advancements change the manner in which clients cooperate with the item....
8 respuestas
How to find the best domain registrar website?
Finding a trusted and experienced website or domain name provider isn't easy today. As all of the businesses are on the web, so most likely everyone is trying to get the attention of the businesses to register their domains with them but we can say...
6 respuestas
OST to PST Converter to convert ost files into pst
Use this brilliant and outstanding ost to pst converter software because In case of your Exchange Server downtime, accidental user account deletion, the server crashes and your data is not accessible, you may want to convert OST to PST file format....
19 respuestas
ORA-04030: out of process memory
Tengo una aplicación propietaria montada en Oracle 8i RDBMS he realizado tunning a la base para que trabaje lo mejor posible, no tengo mucha experiencia en esto; pero con algunos articulos ha funcionado, los usuarios que normalmente accesan son 40...
2 respuestas
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