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When being cheated, but I want a refund from baccarat What do I need to do?
Of course, nowadays Thailand There is still no legal gambling. Whatever the example And that's what makes most people choose to play. Through most of the online methods Because the trip to play at the casino is really difficult. It's also a waste of...
8 respuestas
Inglés, tercera persona
Mi nivel de ingles no es malo del todo, y se que la duda que tengo es super fácil, pues no se hacerlo, no lo entiendo ja ja. Tengo que escribir este texto en tercera persona. Por ejemplo la frase we live in England no se como seria. Con que me...
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Do online websites provide 100% guarantee of diamonds when we buy diamond rings online?
After having worked in my friends’fine jewelry store for over 20 years, I have to roll my eyes and breathe when I am told that the husband-to-be designed the ring. Sure, he did. Perhaps all those slick magazines designed it, or the jewelry salesman...
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¿Cómo hacer qué vodafone me quite la permanencia?
Resulta que el día 2 de julio pedí la portabilidad de movistar a vodafone a través del 902535300 de la tienda on line de vodafone. A cambio me ofrecieron un Nokia con contrato de permanencia. El día 13 de julio me concedieron la portabilidad y aún no...
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¿Is it difficult for you to desing websites?
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Online Department Stores that Delight CustomersAs the popularity of online shopping continues to grow,
6 How to Shop for Clothing and Accessories at an Online Department Store With the ubiquity of online department stores, it has become easier than ever to find great deals on clothing and accessories. However, it can be tricky to know how to shop for...
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What are the benefits of home health care?
¿What are the benefits of home health care? All healthcare is potentially beneficial. But healthcare really needs to be viewed as a whole. There are times when home healthcare is suitable and others where it isn’t. It should be viewed as one of the...
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Has anyone ever given someone a job because they sent a thank you email after an interview?
After an on-site interview, the recruiter contacted me over e-mail of the rejection (for a fresh grad software engineering position). I replied with a brief e-mail noting that I would have loved to work at the company because of the interesting work,...
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Exportar un su formulario de access a excel
Tengo un subformulario de access y quisiera exportar esa información a excel asignado un botón
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Tres canciones
Estoy buscando tres canciones que conozco desde hace tiempo pero de las que nunca he podido saber como se llaman: la primera la canta Bob Dylan allá por los 60 (por la voz, me parece Bob Dylan). Aunque no sé como se llama, la primera estrofa suena...
1 respuesta
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