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He encontrado un objeto de piedra,como puedo saber si es algo de otro siglo?
Es una piedra (no se de qué mineral estará hecho) con orificios y bordes redondeados
3 respuestas
What are the benefits of home health care?
¿What are the benefits of home health care? All healthcare is potentially beneficial. But healthcare really needs to be viewed as a whole. There are times when home healthcare is suitable and others where it isn’t. It should be viewed as one of the...
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How can I run an IoT enabled business?
Think of an idea in that fast-growing space. Don’t think too hard, and definitely don’t let procrastination slow you down because your idea won’t work anyway.
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Whats the main difference between ReactJS and React Native?
In 2011, when Facebook ads were expanding and bringing in newer, exciting features, the engineering team realized that the constant updates were slowing down their progress. Content cascading changes and updates forced the developers to realign the...
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Are engagement rings cheaper online in India?
I apologize for being so opinionated against buying jewelry on line and hating fake diamonds, but I’ve worked in the jewelry industry for years and I trust no one. I’Ve seen and heard too much, so take it from a person who’s been around the block...
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How To Take A Screenshot On Your Mac?
How to screenshot on mac of your entire screen and save it as an image file, press the Windows key and the Print Screen key at the same time. When you press this key combination, your screen will dim briefly to indicate that the screenshot was taken...
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How to convert ost to pst in outlook 2016
Get KDETools ost to pst converter free download tool helps all versions of Windows Outlook Users to easily and safely convert OST into MS Outlook PST file formats. Created This MS Outlook file supports all versions of Outlooks like 2019, 2016, 2013,...
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How can I improve my chances of winning in Megaways Slots?
There is no sure-fire way to win in any slot game, but there are some tips that can help you improve your chances. In Megaways slots, the number of ways to win can vary from game to game, so it is important to choose a game with a high number of ways...
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Cómo hacer que un correo saliente sea reenviado automáticamente a un tercero al ser leído por el primer receptor?
Cómo puedo hacer para que un mensaje que yo envíe desde Outlook a un destinatario A sea reenviado automáticamente a un tercer destinatario B con el simple hecho de que A lo abra y sin necesidad de hacer nada en el contenido original ni tener que...
1 respuesta
What are the best, short hair styles?
First of all, healthy beautiful hair is in fashion in every season, so after the winter cold, you should slightly strengthen your hair, revive and “feed” with masks, and after rushing to the salon to make a new trendy haircut.
17 respuestas
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